Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day Two

I could have used a real man today,
But instead I made it through.

Could have used the being held,
But instead, I gave myself permission
To let the hour ONLY be hell,

And make it through
Just the hour.

I did.
Surrendering to sleep even though the deadlines meow, meow,
Meow at me....
Meow, meow, meow..

They're hungry..
But I need to sleep.

Turning off,
The all of me.
One hour.

I made it through.
No warm embrace but playing Mommy's face
Day two.
I made it through.

Adrenals strapped.
Coffee over water. Sleep, sleep,
Sleep it off.

No I didn't drink for New Years.
It's just through the ringer..
I'd been put through.

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep it off,
Pushed to the side.

I'm still hobbling on both sides,
For the legs I pulled running, running,
Sleeping away...

Still cold and sick,
Heart and throat swollen
From running, running,
Sleeping away.

Tired Today.
Tired today.

Should be happy,
Dreams coming true...

...tired today.

This is when I get up,
And make it through.

When I rise, throwing back my morning covers,
Foot outta bed,
Then another..

And I make it through.

If I have to go through,
My Debut,
With a raspy voice,

Then I am still
The Unstoppable.

Playing roles;

Playing feats.
One day
At a time...

Til I look back,
And barely recognize my own life.

He can come if he wants to...
Down the line.
Can't play Mommy
All the time.

The time.

Day two.
Don't quite need that embrace,
Or those arms.
Can't walk straight,
Limps on both sides.

Where was he,
When I needed ice?
Where was he, when I needed light?

Day two.
I'm making it through.
Playing Mommy to myself,
And Goddess at hue.

In front of
The other...

I drag...
By mid-day,
I'll have
Another face...
Another role to play...

And so day two..

Of making it

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