Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Casting Prayer

Dear God,

Graze over my soul,
Running your fingertips like electric impulse over me!
Revive me!
Cherish over my soul, reminding me..
Taking me back home to Heaven,
Where I can breathe once again...
Knowing the Truth behind the Dream.
Release all pain from us internal beings...
Let you hold me..
Graze over my soul,
In Long Lost memories,
Of Love, Light, and Colors;
How THEY describe the Healing of Our Home, I can't see
You know me. Deep. Ever in a service to you...
Knowing my tired.
I know you do.
But I need you to help me through...
As I know, you will,
And how in ALL ways, you have.

There seems to be a shadow I am walking through...
And gusts of rain,
And today's cloudy day,
Just seems to match my blue...

But you know, I have made it through my darkest days here.. hopefully...
And I just want to Thank you,
Reach out and remind you,
I need you.
I need your grace and your strength against the face of many who may not understand
What it takes
To be so dedicated to you...
To maintain such Love, such a view,
Despite all adversities still unhealed,
That I'm just trying to navigate through

You know me!
I do not have to explain to you, or apologize for The WHO I choose
TO BE...
Deeply loving me, my own face,
Because it is an extension of you!
And in you, I know I can curl up,
And be loved,
Held to be healed,
Without awaiting the back-lash,
The turn,
The rest..
Seem to put me through.
I know, Lord, that
They don't mean to...
But I need you...
And I need to remind you...

You know me.
See me..
Now help lift and revive me.
Help, see me through..

I long to go much deeper.
Much deeper to meet the Co-nature of me and You..
Of this I ask,
You help see me through,
Giving me strength, My Jah..
As you do.

Heal, the unhealed..
Wounds soon to be closed,
And I promise,
I will heal them with you...

I know,
I know...
It is just a matter of time..
So I ask you...
Give me Your Mighty Strength,
To see that time through.
Never wanting to seem weak...
But I let that ego go for you..

Because they may judge as they will,
But I am ever yours,
And so lets let them.

Mold me my diamond,
As a facet of your Hue...

And as we move through time,
Fearlessly, and with might,
you know I am ever in service of you.
Help me, find,
My own completed flight...
As much I long to.
Surrendering, ever...
Because that's all I want to do.
Surrendering God,
As I let you,
Pick me up once more.
Deeply loving you.
Thanking you..
BEING you..
Through the eyes
Of my mere

And so
It is.
And will always be...

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