Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mother Bear

I'm tired. Just want to rest my eyes.

Needing space,
Space in between,
Just a little
This time.

I wanna curl,
And sleep...
Sleep, sleep through,

I'm tired,
Don't have the same
Energy I used to.

My soul gets weary,
Needing release;
I'm just gonna close my eyes now,
To release, release.

I know, I'll be okay,
Just as typically,
I find some way...
But today,
I need to be free...
Today Mommy,
I need to sleep.

Sleep it away, cut it all deep, root it all out,
And sleep,
And sleep.
Bundling your child,
I ask you this one thing,
May I be the youth today,
You wrapping me?

May I cuddle, and tire,
Upon your lap as you hold,
Just this one day as we switch back,
And you role as Adult...

And tomorrow I will try..
Try again, my feet anew..
But just this day, do you think,
It can be as it used to?

And for once in a long while,
I can set down my care...?
I am weary weary mother,
Always playing Momma Bear...

I am weary weary Mother,
Always playing to the world's care.

Can I
Sleep, sleep, sleep it away...
Pretending it'd never be...
I need this deeply today,
Just needing not to see.

Pretending now, as you wrap me up
I haven't seen what I've seen..
I'll sleep today, and sleep it away
And tomorrow,
I will rise & sing.

Tomorrow I will rise & sing.
Just let me


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