Saturday, January 26, 2013

What is Devotion?

What is devotion?
But the faith and commitment to something,
Or held...
And honored.

I made a mistake once...

And I left you...
Small seed, I drowned under water in my neglect..
Running too many parts of my garden at once.

I cast my garden out for you.
Take you back into my heart
If you let me impart,
And fix
What I broke.
I am sorry.
Sorry if I broke it.
Sorry, that I drowned you.

But everyday has its day..
And many days I still take you,
And cup you, so gently to my chest.
Whispering my apologies
And praying you will make it through my accidental neglect.
I cherish you.
And my heart is cold to all others.
But you are my baby seed,
And I neglected you..
Paying fervently,
The price,
As I teeter, on the happenstance of your life revived...

What is devotion, but that?
Knowing I cup you, to my chest,
And breathe on you warm life...

I love you...

Simple, devoted, and true.

But this love is a test of my faith.
And perhaps the widest, thus far...

So I devotingly cup your life, my Love...
And attempt to heal our scars.

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