Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ode to the Dancing Tree

To Spirit...

You may hold me (again)..
I long to dance with you,
Legs to the wind,
Hair afray..
The bells and whistles of the gusts about, singing in the leaves
And rustling of the things on the streets...

I am reminded
In this element of my being,
How the wind carries me,
Like SHE on the otherside of the world,
And how we were always soul sisters
To the land...
Chin pointed high,
Chest breathing in,
As we walk amongst the wetlands of the tribes here before us...

Remembering days,
When we would walk upon the land,
And hold our head out, and up,
As if basking in the beaming cosmic ray,
And all the love around..
Like warmth to a feline face.

Yes with her,
I danced, danced, danced my spirit away,
Twirling on lands known to the great spirits
Of our ancestors,
Still ever around.
Arms stretched to just feel
The all around,
Reaching, feeling..
A sponge to the transcendental empathic life that ever surround.

I am here now, again,
Re-living this life before me...
Tapping the imagination for Life's drumbeat of great destiny,
And how nothing is ever lost in loving memory,
Rather, retained.
I am a record keeper,
As is all spirit, by name,
And as I attune to a life once before me,
I live it again, quaint and sound,
In the full life
Of my heart's records.

Feeling now,
The wind upon my face,
And her delicate, yet strong grace before me,
Claiming with might to the world,
That she, "free bird", would always be,
And there, we stood together..
Claiming together,
Never to let our spirits be breakable here,
By the forces that would long to be..

And so I say this now...

Spirit, take me!
Wrap me is the winged arms of your warm embrace,
Enchanting and coddling me
Back to delicate strength,
Back to internal being,
And unbreakable stature..

Where here, I rest in you..
Dance in you,
Become equated back into the realm of vastness.
Eternity, rising up through me, as a flame of heaven's light...
Dancing once again..
Gusts to the wind..

Filling up once again,
As I am reminded, my journey is within..
Gaining new light,
New insight,
To shed away the deaths of my pains..
To wash and cleanse away,
The stale energies no longer having place:

You have revived me.
Winged me.
Infused my name.
Free Bird. Lion of God.
And an Ode to the Dancing Tree..

How I love thee...
Spirit Of the Divine..
How I give back now,
Ever thine.
Releasing. Dancing. Breathing. Being...
Delicate and delicious, is your life that run through me,
Rich with streams of Gold...
YOUR Sunlight..
Ever mine,
Coursing through these veins as I am the offspring of your light...
Running through me,
Ever thine.
Ever thine.


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