Monday, December 31, 2012

Ushering in The New Year

As things progress...
Maybe a world wide music career,
A life busier than I ever imagined...
Maybe a family,
Maybe not...

As I take to the road, world travel...
I still see me
In moments of time

Taking time,
To paint, to read,
To write,
To play...

To dabble for example in my own garden,
To make my own concoctions of homemade facial scrubs
To open a healing center that gives back to the community..

To dance and dance and dance
And teach other's
Goddess feet.

In my vision
For my future,
I have a coach teaching me
Language, Hebrew,
That I may chant my old testimony's.
That I may live on the edge of life
With so much to explore,
With so much to endeavor into!

May my presence shift systems out-moded!
May I change the school system I once so despised to reveal and heal for the next generations.
May consciousness and light,
No longer remain in the dark.

In my future,
I play...
And work hard!
I have more than many, and so I give back large...
I have a daughter. Maybe two.
(And a son?) just came through...

I effect world change,
Through my organizations built to give back!
Through my new systems and coming together of light workers alike...
For we are a tribe here on Earth,
Come to shed the light!

In my vision,
For my life...
I give, and abundance consumes,
And I know the world...

And the world knows me.

My voice penetrates the hearts of many, but my heart and actions speak more loudly...

I have a long life,
For there is much for me to do...

And yes, I see a family...
Can't deny that I do...

I take time somehow in the in between a,
To still connect forever to God...

And I don't know how I do it...
But I do...

In this new year, I see this version coming through,
And it is my life.
My life created!

And whatever comes to pass,
I know it is the highest will...

For as the future does always change,
I honor it.
Knowing it is of God...knowing God knows more than I do...

Thank you Heavens,
For this Spirit you have given
As this child in me!

I could not be more grateful
For the passion,
The vision,
The warrior
That I as God-Man
Have come to be...

Through my purpose...
I know you...

And that alone
Is enough to die
At any time

My Ode to You God,
For your Creation of Me

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