Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fingers of the Night

Shed your armor dark...
Cloaked in the night...
Booz drowning solace...
And Soul...
Living to fight.
I drape my fingers on you
As you sleep, your only haven...
Forgotten who you are..

Amongst the faces, and craving.

I am your body of Light...
The seed, you seek to drown.

My beautifully witchy claws,
Draping you, safe & sound.

My love, your hope lost...
Our fight, at every cost
As you drown, and I afloat..
Hoping you've enough your own light
To buoy, buoy Your Soul.

I arise to the sky..sweeping, across ways parted
And God imparted..
Draping and taking you with me,
Hoping as you sleep,
You will forget
Your reasons for revenge.

Poisoned, I nurture you.
Wretched, I still give you life...
Fragile to the Beast..
I rest your hands upon my life...

Perhaps hoping as The Guides do
That this one is not lost...

Though all shallow caves
Seem to settle as your dark.

I know that is what you are...
But I am merely here
As you sleep...
Holding you from afar.
Saving your moments of glory..
As if to remind you of life...

But you are drowning and wretched my boy
And I can not save that life.

I can not make you cry or love again...
Can not take away what you seek to destroy...
And as I caress your sleeping brow,
I know when you wake, you play life as a toy.
I can not carry your innocence
Where I fear it is lost forever...

But I can tell you, that should you return,
I just may be devoted forever.

My chest is burned,
Where your heart is tarred..
A filthy ash
As the means of your scars...

And I know, all I can do,
Is hold you from afar...
Witchy claws, pecking jaws,
Delicate to your sleep...

The only innocence..
You may ever know again.

Until you rise, rise, from your minimal hours of closed eyes.

I confess: I give up.
I don't believe it's in you anymore.
Believe it's gone...

And this is why I hold you
In your innocent sleep,
And caress your gentle until dawn...

What I feel, is far beyond,
Anything you will ever be...

As it takes a destroyer to murder...
And I see you trying daily!

You are killing him, the one I love...
And I do believe you've won...
And as I withdrawal, my gentle hands
Believe this isn't done...

But who he is, if he returns
Will be a man of too many wounds...
And the gentleness, I will never know
If of it, he's capably true.

I may have noble eyes, and a heart that pairs that too...
But I also have conditioned sight...
And my heart,
An Experienced Muse.

I know what I see when I see it...
But one thing you can never account for,
Is another man's journey,
Back to his own hope...

Seems to find a way,
Where no-thing else can,
So as I back and step away...
Know, that I love this man.


This is his life...
And HE
Must resow his fate.

I rescind from ever needing,
To have to have a place;

I know,
Will take it from here!
And from here is another day...
May it be blessed for what it is,
At it sows it's seed of fate.

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