Sunday, January 13, 2013

Attunement: The Golden Pool

How can I not be excited at this time?
Delving into a richness deep,
A well spring of being, something vast beyond our silly "Human" imaginings..

Something internal...
...and forever..

How can I not be excited?
As my heart flows, and opens,
And I feel the opening,

And as it cleanses,
The pains..
The attachments,
And the old ways of being..
Of depending, on others,
On the outside to give me worth, or give me love...

How can I not be excited as I dip into the wellspring of this pool..

This forever and eternal
Infinite Golden Pool
Of light and love..
This BODY of motion, of God,
Where all knowledge, and all light,
Is ever contained..


How can I not be excited, as the heavy rocks from my heart are vibrated away, and the black pools of energy are ribbons being pulled from my heart?

As it sheds away, I lift to something in me...something arising..Great..
Not even me...
But within.
And I can feel it..
Feel it like a golden pool I'm being dipped in, feel it free my old life,
Reminding me of who I
Really am..
And I mean, really, really..
And it's taking over..
Breathing rich intoxications of spirit, vast and surround..
All ALL around..
And it would almost be too much,
But the nature of LOVE is never too much
And so instead,
I just bathe and bask in it...
Cherishing it,
As if I've returned home.

How could I not?
And as the Reiki attunes me, I see.
And as I see, I ask for more..
Letting The Heavens come in and heal my being, Asking for healing..receiving..
And it is a new insight, that I can just ask,
And receive..the Healing taking over attaining me, attuning
On the spot..
See farther than I ever have seen before,
Living in a realm where I understand now, the true reality..
The Infinite Flow..
And I can say I have seen The Pool..
I can say I have touched it, dipped in it,
And soaked..
And I am sitting in now,
Knowing it never has to go...

I have found my Room of Self..
It is vast..this Pool, and entire Golden Cosmic realm..
A universe that just sits
In Wait.

And I can say now..
That I have seen The Pool..
Of which we come from..
Of which we are birthed..
My body tingling as I say..
To the light of the Divine..
The Truth..

The Truth
That it is never that far away..
And never has been..

Just a dip, is all it takes..

For I have seen The Pool..
Golden, Rich Love..

Just a descent away.

And as I call in The Angels,
And learn to ask them to do healing on me...

I know I have made a leap of Faith,
I can never venture back from..

I know I have walked through that Gate..
The Rune.
The intitiation of which I am now birthed and come from.

Letting it all be done..
As I bathe.

Letting it all be done...
As I look back at The Gate..

There is no going back now..
And today is still

Ever more. Ever Thine.
A journey...
Newly begun.

(And so it is)
In Reverence of The Divine.

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