Sunday, January 6, 2013


Tired. Midnight oil.
Processing life
Through all four quadrants:
Genki, my peace being,
Nuzzling up ever,
Keeping me from the cold.
This week, an interesting turn,
Fate upon it's own magnificent principles
And how that has led me to being weary,
Ever weary,
In the face of yet another death, initiation before me...
Here I thought it was done for a while...

But I can not say that I mind,
Even against a day my soul cried,
And my back aches,
Even against an Angel's fate...
Even against the ruptures of whines,
"How much longer?! Is this gonna take?!"...
I knew.
Knew I would be okay, mustering up the strength in chest...
Letting myself cry for a moment or two,
Weeping for me,
Letting myself be held...
Just for the moment before I'll be...
Ready to continue.

My back still aches, but I have my life-force back today.
My body tired, but a strength regained.
My heart hurt, but my mind sane
In the insane of this worlds realities.

I am the heart of strength.
Seeing more than they, those that have hurt me, deny me,
Or done so ignorantly
To any...

I see now, how darkness can not cherish frailty,
Nor love,
Nor patience,
Nor sacrifice...

For darkness has no comprehension
Of the sacredness of life...
How things breathe,
Or hearts beat...
How the tears muster up and we must face our captors
With love and compassion of all things,
For our own Heart's sake...

It is a sacrifice,
That the rotten of heart,
Can not taste.

A gentleness that looks weak, as if they somehow can dance Ballet.

It does not take very much to crush,
But it takes a mighty strength
To love
Them that do...
Especially if it is they
Crushing your fate...
Your family's.

When you crush my spirit,
You sin against my name!
You sin against the name of the life that runs through
As love,
Ever breathing
And giving grace...

Punishing me or they,
Because it is you who cower at the thought of another day,
Run weak,
With weakness...

My strength.
The strength
Of my kind.

Because your dark life,
Can not find its own courage to muster against your minds lies...

And what better to punish those
That have survived and thrived
Against the pits of their own
Journeys through hell.

Your kind is weak.
Ever weak. Ever unable. Ever hurting
Because you hurt.
Because you choose
Not to see...

And as I recover...
There is a new strength of understanding birthed in me...

Seeing clearly,
So clearly...

The first,
In a long time.

And it is what it is.
I will ever be following.
Writing the rhyme behind.
Observing what shadow and the light..
The strength will fortify
Even into the hearts of the weak.

I will hold that space for you,
The all of you still facing the dream..

Putting down to rest my head, my heart, my soul, my body...

To begin life anew another day.

Something in me has changed.
I'm fiercely glad to say!

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