Saturday, January 5, 2013

Soul Channelings: Dialogue 1

Archangel Ariel, Shiva, me & I AM

Do you know why they spoke in riddles before you?
Because you would crucify their truth!

Should they have said,
Yes, I am God Incarnate,
Angel, or Master alike,

Re-emerging to myself everyday,
Peeling away our forgotten-ness...

You would have what?
Mamed. Named. Scorned. Spread ugly truth!

Do you know how many visions I have had,
Of our kind on Earth, killing me,
Raping my family of their birth-rights...
Because of the truth we spoke?
Or seen??

100's easily!!!

I know something.
And it brings forth so much.

"Standing" before the Gate, my Rune said...
Contemplating the past, that which had passed, going deep inside to a "stand-still"
Stepping forward.
That it would be a "LONG GAZE"...

Would be my way of interpreting it...
And that I would know,
Upon impulse, awakening,
to step through.

..My God!
is what they meant!
The many before me of my time, my kind...
The legends
And the initiations of which they had to pass through to
Gain sight.
Then power.
And that's where MIRACLES
Are birthed through.

Here and now. Sight merging with time...
Clairvoyance opened like a light...
Puzzle pieces fitting more and more to reveal the whole...

That which had been stripped from us...

Is what they meant!

And for all the times,
That I spoke my truth...
Centuries and centuries alike
To come down and free man, while he tried to burn me alive...

I know now!
I know now, why,
We spoke in riddles....

Poetry, song, music, chants, paintings...

For we had to spell the beauty out in a slower recognition--
That man would barely be able to deny...

But as over the centuries, the pain and anguished became shapen upon our souls,
Man became dark...
Cutting beauty out....
And then, many a times of war!

I have stepped in.
Sword and battle...
Choosing however more often than not,
To come in
With less sacred blood at the tip of my knife...
Choosing instead folklore, druidity, softness akin to Mother Earth,
As I established a oneness with
And became a medicine woman,
And one with the Animal kingdom,
Before coming back again as her.
She is something entirely different this one,
Choosing to be a true Angel on Earth, very rarely done...
But done...
Like mother Theresa.

Honing in and casting
Very specific breeds of Energy,
And containing them here, now,
For man.
This is why she struggles!
She carries with her that frailty.
Having chosen
The task
Of containing Angelic energies here on earth,
Most of "Us" staying to a "light-body" or what you would call an "etheric" body...
Basically we chose not to incarnate into the flesh.

She on the other-hand, saw a need, and as She is the Right Hand of God, forever in a service dedicated, mind, body, heart
To the vision of God's light,
She is ever willing to fight,
As her dedication
For that vision,
And seeing it through.

Ariel has struggled with her frailty, ever feeling defeated...
Now as she emerges,
Peeling away layers we have put her through...
She is regaining sight again:

And wow.
At what she is seeing and coming through.
Shiva, a merit as her history...
Hmmmm, a "merit" of her history. For it was the prophet Merit that revealed this Long ago life, where I destroyed many...
Coming through as powerful a revelation can strike,
And before I could surf the Internet, I knew,
Archangel Ariel, this was one of her first human incarnations
Coming through.
I felt it,
Like lightning in my gut, head, bones...

Being on to something.
On to something greater than I ever knew...

And in this revelation,
I am realizing,
We all, in the past,
Have spoke in riddles.
Because to stand before man, and tell him,
Such valiant, widening truths,
Would scare him enough to put many men to death.
One, known to be true.
One, of many.

Thank you for listening!

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