Saturday, January 19, 2013

In Thought

It is a struggle everyday
To stay away from you.

Feeling the embrace of them,
And love..

But you..
There. Deep. Always. Ever!
Could kill
To dig you out!

Wanting to be in your bed.
Every night.
Without fail.
But so much has failed.
So much,
Already lost.

And I miss you.
An agony under-riding all frozen space in my heart:
To get in...

Where you there, simply dwell.
Love, complicated.
Just like me..

And how I even like myself that way,
But then get mad,
When life mirrors that back to me!

For you..

Not knowing how to un-weave webs spun.

Doing enough to dig you out, but not enough at all...

Because the world keeps presenting you before me...

And I don't know if you will ever know..
But it does..

Keep presenting
You to me

As I try to dig u out...
I hate
That I haven't!

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