Thursday, January 3, 2013

Who I Be, Remain, and Choose

Ever manifesting:
Yoga. Stretching. Dancing. CHANTING. Often.
I meditate, and find the Peace within,
Where I tap into the vast collection,
Of all that ever was, all that ever is,
All that ever will be.
Mastering movement.
Mastery medicine for this generation's following, I provide great deeds to those that are brought to me...
I hone in, in on the internal..
The eternal...
Connecting deeper everyday in ways, our ancestors thought dead...
Sinking into the vortex, as I heed, heed, the directions before me...and somehow make the time..
Somehow make the time,
To go deep within, as I attempt to Master my material realms as well...
Ideally, making all ONE...
Mastering all,
As unity..
As connection,
As the deep, integral...
Never separating for too long again!
I will be the interpreter for man...
Symbols and oracles, my language...
I will be the world's of many...
Perhaps a Siren in the ways of Initiation into the light,
Having to pass through the doorways of death, first...
I will lead those that come...
Confessor as been called,
And I see in it the truth.
The school I will raise...
The internal, I must honor, and honor, and honor more...
And I know, this will be my greatest challenge. But deep, is how I wish to go...
As deep as the eye will carry me,
Seeking to pass through, and still to return, to impart these harsh earthly lessons learned...
Hoping to pass through, that Earth no longer has to scorch and burn, but that in this Era of a new day,
Love will be the new pain... The knew knowledge, the new intention for the day..
And we can release and let go,
Of the cell memory of centuries cold,
Bloodied, burdened, drenched in Anguish...
To finally return to the light..
Heaven on Earth, as they say..
Heaven, a real place...
Somehow, I wish to embody these visions for my future, knowing if they are granted, they will far reach infinitely beyond my wildest expectations..
And I know I must have done something right, because just two months ago, I was a girl
With a dream,
Too large to ever believe, simple me, could deserve, any of it...
My illusions have been peeled away, and I know I deserve these burned insignias on my soul, because they are my internal flame...
And because the world deserves its dream...
And if it weren't for the re-programming...
I might still be in love with a sucker of light, I might still believe my dream to be an untouchable sight...
I might be buried under the rock, from which I never wanted to climb...
I might still be dying..

But I am not this day.
Not today. vision is strong! My dream vast. My support Divine and Heaven on high--eternal, internal...
Today I reach up, out, within...grasping something, somewhere, everywhere...
Enough to keep going..
Enough even to keep the joy!

So when I set my intentions for the small things, it is because I KNOW for once in my life, as this Parade goes on...I will have so much before me of all that I'd wished would come true, and living the vision, the a whole other life...
And in seeing this, I am pre-wishing, that for the small things I will still have time!
Quiet time.
Being the visionary that I am, and staying honed in...
As I do indeed
Have the audacity,
To change the world...

Man has said it is a fools errand to try...but when you have seen it already done in the mind of God,
I rather KNOW,
It is a fools errand to deny.
Let he that may, take his time joining,
The inevitable now...
Meanwhile.. I getting busy...
And I think
That says something...
Much deeper than I'd realized!
Thank you God,
For your Lion takes a great pride,
In being the right hand at your side!
And so it is.
Amen. Aho.
Namaste to the world
In it!

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