Thursday, January 3, 2013

Stuck in the Air

The expression of an artist
Is no good
Against the backdrop of an empty stadium.

I sing, and soul is released from me...
The music playing my harmony

And it goes,
Out into the air,

Hitting no ear,
Where the Angels sing,

And it just seems
A pity!

I am the only one,
And now, listening...

Needing to sing,
All of the time,
Needing it
To hit an ear.

I do not express
That it only be contained
In my box,
In my home...

I need the world to see...
Because I know they will...

And there are Goddamn Hurricanes in me
Seeking to spill,
To topple land masses
And arrange the earth anew,
Life anew..
But I
Am in quiet wait.
The inside,
Like peace of a warrior,
Waiting out time...


And I'm trying...
..trying to find
What it is THEY have me seeking
These Angels of mine..

I will get it when it's time..

When it's time.

In the mean time..
I sit..

Navigating in me
These things, and feelings,
These impulses,
And this time,

Where I,
Seem to be creating so much more than I realize..

Where I,
Have set in motion
A weaving..
That will unravel time..

Of what's REALLY going on..
But aware..

Aware she's spinning a Web,
This great spider woman
That is forever apart of me..

Even though I can't see...

And there are days,
If I don't keep expressing,
I just feel I will explode..

So I keep turning it over,
Bringing it forth..

Cookies for the soul.

But doing it for myself,
Becoming no longer enough..

So I wait,
And create,
And know..

The world will soon take this journey with my soul.

And until that day,
I play..
Play that game of wait,
Of create,
Of patience,
And the quiet listening and remembering
In all the
(In between)..

It is an intricate Web
This one weaves..

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