Saturday, January 26, 2013


Does a man know
What it's like
To need to say I miss you,
And have no missing returned
Like dropped words,
And ink a mess...

I am loving a cause
Returning hope-less.

Nothing is fed..
And the tears simply fall.
I keep thinking my faith is strong...
But it bleeds as returns lost

I am sitting here wishing-
My devotion paying the cost;
My heart shriveling up from oxygen fed,
But no carbon to fuel my bled.

He gives me nothing.
And I keep loving.

And it's like a lightning strikes as soon as I've made up my mind to keep going...

"Why for?"
Is this the love you were hoping for?
The one you'd die and bleed for?

Not a "miss you",
"Your beautiful"...

God...what a girl!
What a stupid
Dumb little girl.

I have got to stop, haven't I?
Because it's true...
This isn't Love...

Love wouldn't do this....

I'm erasing

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