Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Land of the Blind

I started reading again. 

 I started to find a will within myself, to pry my body from bed. 

I began to forgive those, that use and have trespassed against my sacred temple. 

I began to give myself permission to restore my sight. 

I had given them all so much power. 

Given my childhood home the power to snatch my soul and snuff my light

Given she they deem mother the power over my desperate rejection & insatiable martyrdom

Given my lovers the power over my identity and independence 

Given He, the power of my abuse. 

I had stowed away for years and years in this tiny box, fomenting death within 

Because I let this world, and her kin, try to swallow and try to tame 

The singular truth of my existence. 

It would never be inconsequential...

But they denied me prophesies and they denied my truths, even as God whispered in my ringing ears, in all darkness and all void. 

I rejected them, in their incontinence and took up with the Holy Christ, 

And the Divine of all creatures, cursed, wretched and those beloved and graced. 

He would abandon his child. 

She would foment not love and leave the family broken and scorched. 

Mother would drive the cowardice away, and replace it for something perhaps degrees more awful. 

Torcher occurs by the mentally ill of House and Spirit... 

And I did climb upon that cross with Christ's ghost and take up the sins of all those that profess to love me 

And of this dark world which I would be given sight, 

As I have bled out, how I cried out to God in all the heavens to relieve me of this burden he has granted upon my soul. 

He told me, I "only have to keep going". 

And it was I, myself, who plucked myself from the cross, 

And I myself who fell, hardly still living to my knees from it...

And I myself, with the power of Him alone, would tremble of stamina to my feet, 

That I could do as he tasked...

And  just...




So it was he spake to me. 

So it was I would be granted the vision once more, that I had rendered away from my own self

As it was devastating to see

   In the Land of the Blind. 

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