Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Voice from Prayer

As I pray, I talk to myself from my Angel's perspective; maybe just my Higher Christ-Self...
And this is what I hear them say:

Do not fret, Ariel.
Do u feel that In your chest?(talking about my pumping heart and very human body)
You are human. Do not feel that guilt. You do not hurt others; they LET themselves be hurt.
(This does not mean do not be careful or considerate not to) only means,
Do not fret,
If indeed, they do get hurt.
It is easy to take this world personally. We ask you not to.
Stand strong in who you are, in your mission, and do not waver now. You are loved, so see the love. Everywhere you go.
Do not fret
On judgements or opinions, instead...stand strong in your truth.
And go, where you will be loved, and understood.
And when there is not that place, in the present moment..
Then come to Us...
And go within.
You are loved here.
Stand strong in that.
And do not let the world hurt you so, anymore, oh, delicate soul.
They will do as they will do, and you will cause mighty Change,
Much beyond, anything you'll know.
So fret not.
Be in gratitude. See the beauty all around you...
And let THAT take over...
And we WILL help you.
Begin to know now, your strength.
Begin now, to relish and cherish in the beauty, the gratitude..
The love all around...
Stead of sit and relish in the pain. Or your past.
Honor us...
And we will continue to take care of you.
Much more than you know.
Give yourself credit. And start relishing in that. There is a backlog of memories you have paved over, that hold accomplishments you tend to forget.
Relish in these,
And for heaven's sake,
Stop that fretting!
Be in love. Stand in love.
And we will continue to stand with you. "

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