Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Purge



Fingers, intertwine into mine.
Won't you lay it all away?
Why won't you lay it all away?

Your lips.
Your shoulders,
Where maybe,
You don't so deserve,
Where maybe...
You know it.
But notice it does not stop me,
From giving in.

Am not Her- your mother...
Not her...your ex.
But I, am also not you, still cruel.
Will you not,
Lay that all away?

What is so hard about loving yourself?
Finding the inspiration in all things,
And yes, especially in me,
You just don't want to..

Why do you hold onto the pain so,
My love.
My Soldier.
My rebel.

Still not worthy,
Of this motherly hand..
Nor Goddess,
Nor Yogi...
Nor the Animal that she is.

I love you, baby.
I love you so much,
And I am not stupid to turn an eye to see, that yeah...maybe I could hate you too.
Maybe that's why you distance yourself from me.

Maybe I would hate how you get apathetic and moody.
Maybe I would fear you would torcher me with that energy you use to torcher yourself...

Maybe, also,
I have always just been hoping,
You had it in you
To heal yourself up.
Sow yourself up...
And stop running so.

Maybe all you have wanted from me, was my body...

But She, my vessel, contains my heart too...
And me, and you...
We are something else aren't we?

Well maybe, all you wanted
Was that!
Divide and conquer...
Well babe,
You did that.
Are u happy now?

I can not lie, how I have wanted your hand over your meat...
Your softness over your pain...
Your love over your self hate...

I can not lie, that what I give of my flesh has only been, because you had somehow stolen my heart..

I can not lie.
I can not lie.
I choose not to...

But I also know,
I am okay now...
For once,
In a state of peace I thought I could never achieve...

And here my sweet love,
I still love foolish,
Cowardly little you...
You, with the fierce heart.

Oh, and it is a sweet love,
You will probably never know..

Because yes,
I am so very done,
Selling, ever selling, my soul.

But should you want to lay it down,
And sound and sound those temple bells,
Perhaps one day...

You could learn a love,
As you lay this down,
And Love that self...

You know, the brilliant, kind, un-"sociopathic" side...

I love you baby.
I do.

And afar we will keep it.
Until there can be God,
Between us two.

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