Thursday, November 7, 2013


Sometimes I don't know who I am-
In the face of all they have to say.
I forget who my friend's are,
While loving other's that mascarade away.

Some days,
Seem so wrong.
In all they are willing to think,
Or judge upon.
Reminding me, now,
As I have grown strength,
That I can not fret so,
On the un-mighty opinions of others,
Especially when perhaps,
It does not stand in the mighty strength
Man with God.

They fret,
And call it love...
Still so much to learn..
And sometimes,
When I think
I am so far behind,
In moments like these,
I see the paradox,
Is that I am really ahead.
And at many a times,
A man
Just standing alone.

My notions of God & Life,
Are romantic so-
Stymied by the minds around
That have grown family's and jobs
That have allowed "what's normal"
To override their sense of "right".
Is it right to participate in genocide?

If it is not genocide of the Spirit in us all that just wants to fly free,
Then perhaps it is the Genocide of the
"Freedom to Be"...
And if it not that, such a genocide,
How about we just look at how we all enslave and kill animal-love,
Just to call it meat.
And if THAT, is not genocide,
How about how we amass a single being,
Just because we do not agree...
Heaven-forbid, you ask, or look into their eyes, before judgements are made behind their backs,
But ALOUD, in other's company?
Because we do this by the plenty.
And yet with it,
Every singularity, crucified.

And if THAT, is not Genocide?!
How about how we still let the FDA stand,
When it is everything wrong and poisonous to LIFE...
Or how we have failed to over-throw in revolutions,
The 1%,
That not only send our families to war,
But kill families innocent upon outside continents?!
And If THAT, is not Genocide...
Then how about how we let that same 1%,
Take our homes away on OUR land,
And make a once prospering continent,
A nation of slaves and pains,
Disease, and loneliness,
Ailments and homelessness,
That will kill us off?
How about how almost all American Food is poisoned?
You want to talk to me about Fame? Or expression?
I don't think so.
You want to talk to me about fear, concern for my health...
Well I died a long time ago.
You want to talk to me about being sick,
And bad judgment...
Your opinions don't concern me so..
Not when messages of Love,
And repave me...

You see...
What they tell me,
Revives me, and gives me purpose,
Faith, mission...
So when u bring fear and opinion,
Understand it can never compare,
To the love I receive outside of this Veil.
I am here to evolve..

Not just myself,
But any who will come with me...
And I can only hope,
That will indeed be nations.

And if you think it best I play it small,
Understand, I don't.
I am here to create a revolution!
So if you want me,
Back in my box,
And your children's eyes unscathed...
It is a new day.
Marshall "Eminem" Mathers knew.
He knew the world needed the truth.
That suburban societies hide, in their homes,
While their neighbors and kids scream and cry beneath...
While we pave over chasms deep,
Where the blood of the devil and our dead run,
In what we call "Normalcy".

So when you speak to me,
Stop not knowing
What you're speaking against.

Thank the heaven's someone cares.
Enough to love.
Enough to cry.
Enough to speak the truth of pains we all try so hard to deny.
Enough to stand against Family and foe...

You either know why I walk,
Or you don't.
You either support cause, and love..
Compassion and truth..
Or you participate
In the Genocide of us all.

I am hypocrite.
Still doing things everyday, that I am sure,
Hurts the world around..
But those are my ignorances...
And so I ask you,
Are your own?

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