Thursday, November 21, 2013

My Namaste

What if I said,

I understood?

Because as they pull at me..
I turn away..

Needing a little bit of me
Without the world...

For A
First time.

And there is something about it,
That feels like you...
And how you pulled away...

At probably this person needing that,
And that person needing this,

And all of them
Wanting you somewhere in all that to fit..

And then you...
Maybe having just reached that point,

Where it doesn't fit...

So I
Find myself pulling away...

From them...

And for some odd, perhaps even miracle
(Who knows at this point)..

You are the only one,
Who I am letting in
That perhaps right now,
Doesn't fit.
Or seemingly so...

But maybe,
You do..


As I pull away from them and find myself understanding YOU more
In doing so.

It is an interesting.."vibration"..
A little cozy..

Knowing you much prefer your own company, easy, at peace..even when still diseased..
Than to feel "pulled by them" & "all THEIR needs"..

And I smile.
And THAT frequency sends an entire electric velocity right through the rest of me
And again, I just think,
"I love you"..

Echoing sound and true through me,
Out into the universe...

Like Chanting..

And I go in one "thought of love"
From absorbing, seeing...
To emanating....penetrating...

And then I even out once more...
Mere seconds,
Back to both.

I guess the point is...
I "love you" because whether you know it or not...
You are so deeply teaching me..
(Touching me)...
Without even meaning to.
Or trying.

And I guess that kind of thing forces a love after all, and after time..
Because isn't that what seeing...
Understanding into another...
Is all, and all about?!

"I see you"...profound, right?!

"I see you"...
And in doing so,
I see me...

And we are one.


Understanding, is a principle I have fought for for years- understanding, mind you, being the ONLY porthole into TRUE COMPASSION of the heart and mind spirit..."being seen" has also been a gargantuan struggle, fight, lesson, & life theme for understanding for me, my entire life!

"Namaste", has been my favorite spiritual understanding...and sanctitude. It has led me to the deepest parts of myself, as a creation, and what that means, in this universe, most people in my life, still not having a clue as to how I REALLY FEEL about labels, and God...mostly because those deepest discussions haven't yet been placed.
(I say this, only because it is valuable to them...this "understanding"...and it is valuable, to the planet.
And there are many now, spreading this "knowledge", though, we need many more. )

Writing this poem...
I had the revelation that...

The two things I have struggled with the most 1) Being Understood (therefore and also 2) Being Seen...

Have been the two deepest "portholes" into "The Living & Understanding of Namaste..which happens to be, This Lion of God's (or Warrior of Love's) purpose, for, "Ariel" as I have come to understand by name, mean's to be both things!

1) Planetary Awareness
2) Spreading the message
Of light, of love, of how we create, of how we "operate", of what to do, of how to do it (channeling inspiration & honoring our feelings, motions, and cycles)...
3) Finding and spreading THE TRUTH as much as we can understand it. the essence of this purpose.

Through the people I have seen,
And therefore loved
(Or loved and therefore seen)

I have been given the gift of understanding them,
And therefore me.

And that means understanding and honoring the world, now doesn't it?!
So it seems!
So it seems.

"It's not all love & light...there are very dark things"...

But it is in Namaste: Compassion, Understanding, "Seeing"...

Where I think the Highest form of God dwells...

That form?


And we may never understand or see all the way...
But the more we understand and see the nature of love in our being...

The more we will give way and rise,
To this "Compassion"
To Seeing, and Understanding...

And loving and honoring..

And in that...

Lessening the pains of this world...

Is why I AM


It is likely,


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