Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Resting Just A Few

I guess there are some things that are good...
Like How today,
I will get home and make myself some coffee
And I will throw a movie on and get back into bed

And while I'm aware that many don't have such a luxury,
I also have the voices of antagonists in my head..
Like how she had called me self centered...
Wanting to rupture me into action,
That I feel so far behind in...
A broken heart,
That I fell and fell once more,
For his same old routine to me...
And then there's the Card I pulled-
"Cycles and rhythms" reminding me...

To heed, heed,
The call of my body-
It's temples...
It's cycles...
And Rhythms..

And today, maybe one of those manic needs,
Where everything hits...
"And hits finally"...

Thinking maybe I had put in my time..
Thinking yet again, as these oceans conquer tide,
And tie over me.

And I'm thinking,
These things are good...
Feeling and feeling at all.
Slinking if that is what I wish a bit...
If it means to rest my soul a bit...

Cuz I'm so tired this week.
And I find myself trying to run away once more...

And maybe it's better,
If I just stay a little put...
And appreciate my lifestyle
For the luxuries it has.
If it means
Resting my soul abit,
And sleeping off feelings of being used and discarded...
Called names by those who clearly don't have the same heart as my own..

Then maybe,
There are some things that are good today.
Cup of warm coffee to beautiful clouds gray- I actually do love them...
And Genki...
My little Genki...
How he keeps my warm In heart and bed...
As we practice Uncondition to one-another..
And as I slowly rest
My Heart & My Head

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