Monday, November 4, 2013

To Have a View

Did you know, world, that
I love you? Deep. In the gut.
Where nerves get wrenched,
And that which is true
Will come to show?
Do you know,
That although,
You look back upon me,
Through the eyes of many egoic minds,
I still see you,
And love you true?!
Loving potential always.
In the beauty of Is-ness,
There you dwell too.
And it is in This Is-ness,
That I feel you loving me,
In all it's complete
And reciprocating energy.
Are energy.
Less we forget?
So what is a label but energy?
An opinion but energy?
And if it is yours, are you not creating the very energy of the label you speak?
Choose wisely..
For it is true...
That which we see in others,
Only truly reveals
How we view.
I'll say that
One more time:
Which we see in others,
Only truly reveals
How WE view.

I know this now.

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