Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Through Me

Take me in like you are breathing Life
Into me.

Vastly sweeping oceans,
I am across all planes

Ever available
Returning home
In your grace,
As your grace
With my Wings free
Once more.

Never a day
Like today-
When one can simply turn
And meet face
With their inner Divine,
Scraping away
More and more
Being more and more

Of the Unmoved Light.

I see my rays,
Stretching vastly beyond,
Nothing to contain them quite the same,
As I shed this body of armor
That I have accumulated over the centuries.
I break
Old cycles
Like Holy Graces being performed as miracles...
And I can honestly say,
That I am the Light of Heaven.

And I can honestly say,
That I am the Body of God.

Is returned through me
As my pathways of receiving
Are widened.
Emergence is the gift I give to those seeking.
The promise I hold...
Endless love,
Our heir; our birth right.

Sweeping into me
As the life and breath of God,
Sweeping me up
Into the Heavens..
Where I dance and ascend,
Before returning down,
And bringing the Light of God
With me.

Thank you.
Thank you...
For only this...only heaven,
And now,
As I breathe....
All light passes through me...
Reaching beyond..
...and I hold

Your hand.

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