Sunday, December 2, 2012


My obsession lies
In your tips my love,
Your lips I long for...

You and I
On some distant sea shore

You and I
Bare and naked and stripped
To this life...

Running free
It all behind.

My obsession lyes
In your eyes,
Not the ones I see,
But the ones that see me,
That I feel through,
To gain grasp of you.

It is an illusion, a dream
And as Maya clouds,
You and I ascend..

Never afraid to love,
Nor to give,
To take a stand.

My obsession lyes
In this mechanizing hand-
The one that shadows all fates,
With fear, labels, "takes"...

And HE will forever
Be the carrier of our fate,
You could never want me more.

My obsession lyes in
The lure, the obscure
The far away and painted...
The "can't have's"
And my calls to "bluff" it...

My obsession lyes
In some painted time-mess-warp
Between souls just trying
To sing,
And feel,
And touch,
And hold,
All walls
And fires
Go up,

You and I, my Love...
A silly fate...
A silly fate...

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