Saturday, December 29, 2012

Age of Aquarius Awake

Here's the thing:

I am the news feed of God.
I am the Savior coming.
I am the radiant rays of the internal spark,
Ever creating into eternity,

As Infinity...

And you, young generation of man,
Wish to feed your souls with everything but,

This very integral
Piece of your philosophical puzzle.

Ever competing,
Ever waring,
Ever waging and raiding
The peace of others
Because you can not find
The Peace of your own.

I have seen
The darkness kill...
Feeding souls coal,
Slow embers fanned from inside out...
Dark whisperings
Feeding dark deeds,
Intentions lost in the astray...

Because souls are lost in the abyss
Of their own pain,
Turning into rage quickly over time...

And for such a long time...
My kind, at war, with mankind...
As man couples the hands of demons
And Denies the fruits of Love internal...

Our spark dies
In the rise, the fire, because it grows ablaze and transforms to rage..
No longer pure
Light anymore
But destructive fright
Now turning on the village
Of our own community...

I love fiercely where you may not.
Live honestly where you get caught.
Tare down my heart walls, brick by brick...if that is what I have to do...
Ever afraid still to love, but never closing up.
Ever scared, but never run by fear.
Fiercely honest...
Because that
Is the light of truth.
The way of God-Man...
The way of God...

I will tell you who I am..
But you have to want..
You have to burn Internal
Until you are ready to face
Your own shadows without me.
You have to believe..
Calling it Faith..
Be willing to see...
The truth behind Earth fallacy...

That heaven...
Lay in the heart of man..
The spark;
That Heaven
Is created by man-mind...
For we are God..
Literally Sharing DNA of Masters.
Far back.
And we have yet still,
To remember..

But here's the thing...

We will.
For I am the news feed of God.
You, God's will.
All of us,
And anything
We can ever want to be...

For even in the imagination,
This can be,
And much more beyond Earth,
"HUMAN" can see.
For ye
Are Gods eternal...
Dark and shadow...
Light and Praise...
We are God's...

No matter
The face.

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