Sunday, December 16, 2012

Lulls of Triton

I'm crashed.
Head over heals,
Wave subduing my head
Like the force of your hand on it,

The way I crave!
Body pulls,

And tumbling...
Knowing I will float to come up for air
I just hold my breath
And let the water force and turn me
In it's every whim,
My tiny body,
Lost in the crash and pull..

Hair dancing beneath the surface
In slow frame motion
Classic music entrancing my closed eyes,
As I shut them...
And I let the ocean take me...
The noise of crashing roars
Becomes a melodic classic symphony,
Taking me far away
To another place...

Where I meet you.
And you are standing there..

The ocean surrounds and throws me beneath in it's toil...
But as I surrender,
It's arms liquid,
Are yours that hold me.
And as my hair whips,
It is your grip that grabs me..
And as my body flips,
It is your hands that force me...

Your body
And strength,
A force engulfing completely.
Your grip,
The entire ocean beneath surround..

And I find myself floating
In what seems to be an endless breathless tumbling
But somehow,
I am in the peace...
My breath to cease needing oxygen
As I tumble and stand
In time...

As the liquid
Engulfs and surrounds me,

So that entire body of water,
Is you,

And I surrender
Under your force.
Under your pull and grip...
Floating me
To where I need to be...

Coming up for air

Not ready yet,
To leave my Triton
Of Gods.

I do not know you...
But I let you sing me...
Move me,
In your motion..

Your liquid body..

And it is all the knowing I need..

As moments
Of you,

As moments
Of us...

As moments
Every unknown.

That is why,
In your body,
I float, hearing nothing
Above the surface,

Out there.

I lose myself to the peace
Of the pull

Of the mystic deep...

Hiding deep, penetrating all
Every atom
The key.

Peace in serenity...

Listening to the vast deep
And the awe of how
I am a tiny body
Floating in the all of God...

So much to know...
And so much to touch...

And then there's you...
Not really of my world
Or are you?

I see you
As a great body of water,
And waves crashing...

Waves I hear from a distant shore...
Calling to me..

Beckoning in lulls...

And I let the ocean
Swallow me whole...

In the peace,
The no breath,
The vast mind,
And your body,



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