Saturday, December 22, 2012

Insight Prayer

The glow
Is very real.
Internal. Forever.
Holding the messages
of light.

Can not understand
The infinite ever birthed
As apart
Of his own

The vast,
As minute as atoms,
Being contained,
By the body of light
We call
Our body,
Our temple,
Our vessel.

The strong
Resource alone
For many years,

Ever containing
The knowledge
Of their own...

For someone who knows,
What they know.

The Master,
Beginning or not,
Pulls in at will,
What he needs,
What he seeks,
But his needs are few,
And his seeking,

And they are all stages...

But Man,
Must first pass through his arrogance,
His pain,
His narcism...

He must pass through his beliefs,
His resignation,
And his need to be the only one in pain...

He must pass through all of these,
To see.

To see the Heart
He contains underneath.

Then this man can call himself strong,
And he will seek and seek and seek.
And falling often,
This man will dispair...
But he will also uncover
And the will,
To keep

This man will meet one day,
The thing he knew he was looking for.
And this will begin
A new journey of faith.

Enlightened- full of light...
Step by step,
Stage by stage...
Acquiring Master sight.

This is the evolution of man.
I ask you:

"Are you evolving?"

And if not,

One merely need
To pray for insight.

And so
Let it be!

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