Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Growing Rowan

Kisss me..
If I were to indulge,
You would kisss me...
Hands coming up the back of my neck where his were instead,
Your grip, your spark,
Your taste,
Eating me...
Drinking me,
Devouring...all of the mine,
That I make yours...

As hands reach out and grip my being,
I close my eyes,
And they are all yours "Daddy"-
Can't tell him why...
Don't know..
Don't know
Why I have made them all yours..
I have,
And you eat me, devour me, in the space between.
Body and heart trembling in wait..
Your fingers straggling over my being,
Dragging over my flesh..
Craving the all of something
All demons screech at me to put down
It is only a sound,
A dream,
Where u and I can abide to our life,
Where I lay in your bed..
And let you take me,
Without ever,
Giving me back.

It's an air.
A lostness close between souls,
& undefined...
But it is you,
Ever present, heart
Body somehow..

And I shout and cry and scream to the God's against crashing waves,

Seeing your face in

But how...
Can this be?

Even I...
Don't know!

Even I, my Chase,
Don't know.

And as much as I would like to attribute all to false adoration,
To dreams being weaved,
And fantasy's being cast...

There is something in you that stirs me..
Like old soul, and Irish gaiety over ale...
Like winds sweeping across time, space, connecting me there...
That heart...
That I can or can not know...
I don't know...

But I feel
Not sure if it is mine,
Ours, but it is a magic..
Intrinsic, deep,
And there is something in me
Just done
Over you!!
What a fool!

What a fool as fools are sold.
Speaking In silly past lives old..

Thinking of you..
Inside something in me

And I haven't been able to get you out..
Not you...
Want to..
But not you...

Something about
Something I love,
That I just won't let go of...

And I haven't exactly told you
That I can feel you
Across time
Across space...

Because I am not sure it is you, over I..
Not sure the us is
Never a lie..

But it's like breath, I soak up from your being..
However sad, lost, hurt you are,
For some reason where you lay,
My soul rests in a peace
In your underneath,
And I feel blanketed... Solaced..
As if home..
However far
You are...

And I know...
It is silly..
Saying that over and over again
Trying to plow it in...

But it won't sink!
It won't sink.
Because there is something intrinsic,

Between you,
me, the worlds,
The mystery...
The magic, the mystic,
And I want you,
To teach me.. Love me..
Take me..
Out of this life..
And the mundane..
Because it stretches, reaches far
Across plains

Where there is something deep.
Beyond. Boundless.
Without limits..
And I want to taste,

What I know,

Will be the Death of me.
To chase death like she is a prize...
But I chase you,

Because you are mine.
For the centuries.
For THIS time..
And then,

I will drink you,
And u may devour me,
And then...

I will die.

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