Thursday, December 20, 2012

Angel's Diary


Free me.
Let it go.

What I am here to do,
I heed...

One step
Before another,
Moving and being
As they need.

Allow me,
Oh Great Spirit,

To everyday
Make it Not
About me...

But about them.

It is easy for me to forget,
Easy for me to want...

But in wanting
I lose you.
Lose me...

In wanting
I am less capable of being the Angel you need me to be...

And now this,
I see.

So I return home to you..
As I calibrate again
My being..

The truth
For what it is.

I had lost my way,
But of my path,

Let me regain..
Let me come again


And I will
Be there for them...

Without wanting
A thing.

Let me come again home...
And honor you.

As I love them.

And your service,
I am ever in...

For them, my Lord..

For them.

And I promise to return..

For these people

I love.

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