Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Saddest Thing

He pines over her,
Years gone.

Glows warm before him...
But years in the dark,

He can not see her-
Can not see her essence...
Can not love
What is already given.

Deep, dark,
He stays,

And she will be

Come and gone.

Never lingering too long

Where her star
Is not seen.

In her palm,
The universe of many
Is held...

He weeps,
Looking past...

Never seeing

The Glow
Of his Angel.

She can not make him see..
And knowing this,

She backs away slowly..

For she must wait
For her assignment to be ready.
Forever for him.
An assignment
Is just that.

And all else put aside...

It is time
For her to stay close
At a distance...

Until in the years,
He changes. Opens.
Finds his own glow.

And then...
May have a place once more.

But the Angels can not stay
Where they are unwanted.

Ever going between.

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