Wednesday, December 12, 2012

City Lights

I could eat up this city
And it's industry
Swallowing it

And in the lights,
I see the Santa Barbara air,
Walk and shops,

And it's like swallowing magic drops..
The air of memories
And him once upon a time next to me
And the early discovery
Of innocent travel-
Night life like eclectic shops for the rich,
And subtle dim lighting and trim
The magic there
The ocean air..

And how I can sit
In this La Brea traffic

And take in the lights ahead,
Swallowing and engulfing

All that's said,
Between vicinities; worlds...

Seemingly miles and distances apart,
But flowing, touching it,
Drinking it...

Never too far.

The lights,
I breathe...and they take me...
Take me there...
Take me
Where I want to go...

Breathing it in
Is seeing it...
Being it...

And I know
I could swallow this city whole...
Taking it in...
Breathing it out...
Coming out
World lit showcase.

Not a matter of if,
Because the lights breathe to me,
Sing to me,
Impart my prophecy...

And I swallow them,
As I mastecate the places I see
Emersed in a very real vision before me.
All the lights and romance of the world,
And places,
I will ever see...
In this life...

And the dream is romantic..
And the most magical version
I have ever seen...

A girl's unrealistic dream...
And embracing it
Beyond the wildest imagining

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