Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What Jesus Said

And they told me I was stupid
To love you
But who are they to say?

Who are they to say
Whom and who is not
Worthy of my love?

For it is not my love;
It is the love of God
Runs through me.

And who are they to say?

Who are they to say
That loving you is bad?
Bad for me, I don't know,
But how can loving any
Be bad,
For even the Undeserved
Deserve it the most...

So who are they to say?
Or take away from you what is inherently yours?

Not my heart,
But rather...

This Love that streams through it.

Who are they to say
That you are not worthy,
When I look upon you,
And through your shadow,
You are as worthy
As any?

Who are they to say?
Or take that away?

I will tell you this...

The mere act of cutting off love
Is a sin:
A "missing of the mark"
And an act of separation...

And so
When I am told by man
That you are unworthy of my love
I hear them say
How unworthy they feel of God's...

And I know I must not follow them,
For they have already separated
From "His" love.

So I will love you ferociously!
I will love you as the winged serpent of time,
Encasing you in my wings,
Warming your Heart into a place of freedom,
Excavating your soul,
And pulling away the centuries of sediment,
That lay atop.
We will dance our way to the Angels,
And dine with the God and Goddess.

We will penetrate distance
And see the world
For through my love;
The extension of God Eternal,
I give you my eyes...
I gift you my sight...

Until no longer you need me

And you may stand once again
As the Son of God.

For that Heir
Is the birthright of every man,

And I love you
Because I see you
And never an illusion can take away
What man has robbed himself of
For years.

Not Love,
Not God,
Not his own Greatness...

For even in death,
These things can never fade.

So I will ask you once again,
Who are they to say,
Or take that away,
What is inherently yours?

Who are you
To deny yourself
The kingdom of your own Heir?

Who are you all,
But Gods?
Creating of your own choosing...

And you may choose love,
Or you may choose severance...

But either way,
I promise, Love, of all
Will conquer.

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