Monday, December 31, 2012

Ushering in The New Year

As things progress...
Maybe a world wide music career,
A life busier than I ever imagined...
Maybe a family,
Maybe not...

As I take to the road, world travel...
I still see me
In moments of time

Taking time,
To paint, to read,
To write,
To play...

To dabble for example in my own garden,
To make my own concoctions of homemade facial scrubs
To open a healing center that gives back to the community..

To dance and dance and dance
And teach other's
Goddess feet.

In my vision
For my future,
I have a coach teaching me
Language, Hebrew,
That I may chant my old testimony's.
That I may live on the edge of life
With so much to explore,
With so much to endeavor into!

May my presence shift systems out-moded!
May I change the school system I once so despised to reveal and heal for the next generations.
May consciousness and light,
No longer remain in the dark.

In my future,
I play...
And work hard!
I have more than many, and so I give back large...
I have a daughter. Maybe two.
(And a son?) just came through...

I effect world change,
Through my organizations built to give back!
Through my new systems and coming together of light workers alike...
For we are a tribe here on Earth,
Come to shed the light!

In my vision,
For my life...
I give, and abundance consumes,
And I know the world...

And the world knows me.

My voice penetrates the hearts of many, but my heart and actions speak more loudly...

I have a long life,
For there is much for me to do...

And yes, I see a family...
Can't deny that I do...

I take time somehow in the in between a,
To still connect forever to God...

And I don't know how I do it...
But I do...

In this new year, I see this version coming through,
And it is my life.
My life created!

And whatever comes to pass,
I know it is the highest will...

For as the future does always change,
I honor it.
Knowing it is of God...knowing God knows more than I do...

Thank you Heavens,
For this Spirit you have given
As this child in me!

I could not be more grateful
For the passion,
The vision,
The warrior
That I as God-Man
Have come to be...

Through my purpose...
I know you...

And that alone
Is enough to die
At any time

My Ode to You God,
For your Creation of Me

The Belly of The Beast

She stands, trembling
Freezing cold,
Holding her own...

Arms around opposing shoulders
Breathing out frost,
Looking around.
Ankles deep in snow,
Looking around...

Trembling from the snow..

My momma took away my peace today.

The winter
And many hearts..

And I'm
Looking around.
Breathing frost,

Trying to keep MYSELF


Against this frost-biting ice..

Against the frailty
Of what she won't hesitate to shatter,
Not he,
Not them,

Frost bitten.
Waiting in the snow
For something to show...


Trying to be...
Enough warmth to keep me going.


I know,
It's become time
Go inside.

In there,
The Belly of the Beast,
And with-out,
The frozen bite of winter's time.

And I'm cold & on fire...
All at once..

All at once..

Setting ablaze
To another day,

That would test me...
Test my feats.

My heart shakes...
More than my legs..

Tears becoming
Ice down my face
For I
As My Warrior...

Stand, and stand alone, ever more
To the cold...

Shaking. Trembling. Tears leaking from
Looking around.

No one
Is coming for me.

Because I
Am The Spirit Now.

And I go inside...
In me,
I have to muster

That I may,
Take to my journey
And be on my way.

Because while no-one is coming for me,
I know my place..

Am coming
For they.

And it's okay now...
Because although I am alone...

The Angels Great
Journey with Me..

And I know,
I am never alone..

I got used to waiting.
Waiting for some face to Come for me...

That face, the only that showed
Was the God,
Ever within...
Finally revealing...

And I know,
I must be the face
To many
That stand and wait..




As I journey back into..
The Belly
Of The Beast.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

WTF Am I Supposed To Do Now

Why have you put me between worlds?
Sitting here, dealing with one...

Dealing with one...

So different..
Worlds away..

And I hear your name...
Shut down..
Can't be the same

Expected to be the same..

He breathes me different understandings..
Takes away forces in me..
But loves..
And what
Am I
Supposed to be
Between worlds...


Because I know...

And why
Have you left me between worlds?


Age of Aquarius Awake

Here's the thing:

I am the news feed of God.
I am the Savior coming.
I am the radiant rays of the internal spark,
Ever creating into eternity,

As Infinity...

And you, young generation of man,
Wish to feed your souls with everything but,

This very integral
Piece of your philosophical puzzle.

Ever competing,
Ever waring,
Ever waging and raiding
The peace of others
Because you can not find
The Peace of your own.

I have seen
The darkness kill...
Feeding souls coal,
Slow embers fanned from inside out...
Dark whisperings
Feeding dark deeds,
Intentions lost in the astray...

Because souls are lost in the abyss
Of their own pain,
Turning into rage quickly over time...

And for such a long time...
My kind, at war, with mankind...
As man couples the hands of demons
And Denies the fruits of Love internal...

Our spark dies
In the rise, the fire, because it grows ablaze and transforms to rage..
No longer pure
Light anymore
But destructive fright
Now turning on the village
Of our own community...

I love fiercely where you may not.
Live honestly where you get caught.
Tare down my heart walls, brick by brick...if that is what I have to do...
Ever afraid still to love, but never closing up.
Ever scared, but never run by fear.
Fiercely honest...
Because that
Is the light of truth.
The way of God-Man...
The way of God...

I will tell you who I am..
But you have to want..
You have to burn Internal
Until you are ready to face
Your own shadows without me.
You have to believe..
Calling it Faith..
Be willing to see...
The truth behind Earth fallacy...

That heaven...
Lay in the heart of man..
The spark;
That Heaven
Is created by man-mind...
For we are God..
Literally Sharing DNA of Masters.
Far back.
And we have yet still,
To remember..

But here's the thing...

We will.
For I am the news feed of God.
You, God's will.
All of us,
And anything
We can ever want to be...

For even in the imagination,
This can be,
And much more beyond Earth,
"HUMAN" can see.
For ye
Are Gods eternal...
Dark and shadow...
Light and Praise...
We are God's...

No matter
The face.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Deep Deep Inside

As you kiss me,
My cheek slants into your lips,
My tears streaming sideways,
My essence spilling forth.

My heart weeps,
In the absence;
Phantom lips..
I nuzzle into

My heart is young...
With you...

And returned
To it's original form.



Inbetween the knowns..

I feel them. Your lips.
At my temple,
Holding more of me,
Than u may ever want..

As I cry,
My tears hitting nothing more than the floor...

Not you,
Not you at all.

I miss you.
And I am sorry for that.

A girl.
Little girl, lost...losing...
.. somewhere

Kicking rocks,
Looking for gold...


She will find it.

Nothing can turn her,
...not the God's,
The rules,
The previous knowns...

She lay in the lands between..

No time. molding,
Intention pulling

In ways she can't see,
Her mind pulling
Like gravity...

And she's unaware
That she's the future Queen...

Inside though,
Ever knowing...



What Jesus Said

And they told me I was stupid
To love you
But who are they to say?

Who are they to say
Whom and who is not
Worthy of my love?

For it is not my love;
It is the love of God
Runs through me.

And who are they to say?

Who are they to say
That loving you is bad?
Bad for me, I don't know,
But how can loving any
Be bad,
For even the Undeserved
Deserve it the most...

So who are they to say?
Or take away from you what is inherently yours?

Not my heart,
But rather...

This Love that streams through it.

Who are they to say
That you are not worthy,
When I look upon you,
And through your shadow,
You are as worthy
As any?

Who are they to say?
Or take that away?

I will tell you this...

The mere act of cutting off love
Is a sin:
A "missing of the mark"
And an act of separation...

And so
When I am told by man
That you are unworthy of my love
I hear them say
How unworthy they feel of God's...

And I know I must not follow them,
For they have already separated
From "His" love.

So I will love you ferociously!
I will love you as the winged serpent of time,
Encasing you in my wings,
Warming your Heart into a place of freedom,
Excavating your soul,
And pulling away the centuries of sediment,
That lay atop.
We will dance our way to the Angels,
And dine with the God and Goddess.

We will penetrate distance
And see the world
For through my love;
The extension of God Eternal,
I give you my eyes...
I gift you my sight...

Until no longer you need me

And you may stand once again
As the Son of God.

For that Heir
Is the birthright of every man,

And I love you
Because I see you
And never an illusion can take away
What man has robbed himself of
For years.

Not Love,
Not God,
Not his own Greatness...

For even in death,
These things can never fade.

So I will ask you once again,
Who are they to say,
Or take that away,
What is inherently yours?

Who are you
To deny yourself
The kingdom of your own Heir?

Who are you all,
But Gods?
Creating of your own choosing...

And you may choose love,
Or you may choose severance...

But either way,
I promise, Love, of all
Will conquer.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Against Odds

Will he hold me,
And spill to me
That I am beautiful?!

Will he see me from afar,
And know in his heart he never wants to raise his voice to me?
Never wants to make
My pure heart cry?

Will he
Be the person,

To make that grand gesture
And small alike,

Will he go out of his way,
To learn my love language...
Speak it

And spoil me with gestures of
His ego aside,

As I love without pride?!

Can this boy be a man,
And isn't it silly,
If he is not?

Isn't it silly,
If he is not?

If he loves not his light,
How can he love mine?

And if he pushes today,
What would cause tomorrow
To decline?

When has love been enough,
To warm a cold
And bare heart?

And one so dark?

It is not likely
This day...

This will be the one deserving...

Not likely he will process
Another's world,
Unconditional Light...



Cold Heart
And her love
Every odd...

She loves him fiercely,

It turns her
And dark


All odds.

But every time he steps back,
Slowly inching to turn away
(And run)...

She stays,
For him.

And he will never know,
What she's giving up to love him,
For far better a man,
Would easily feed her soul,

Not bleed it,
Hurt it,
Abuse it...

And we all
Must learn...

It's just how many times,
Does the same lesson burn

Imprints of repeated war-cries?!

Many times?

I'm still counting,
Through my nine lives.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Body's Voice

Dried up.

The swell of water.

I'm parched.
Body starving,
As she goes thirsty,

But I refuse to feed her.

By bit,

In the smallest amount,

I let her drink;

Do to her as I please.

But starve of her, her most
Principle needs...

And I know
That I shouldn't.

But I can not stop

What is mine to take care of...


F#cking let her drink!

"Water", she gasps...

But I'm too busy...
And she's bothering me.

Needing me.
To take care of her.

"K, in a few minutes"...
That never come...

And when I awake with a headache...
I know
She's dying...

So I stuff her full of Excedrin and coffee

On her empty stomach,

I let her drink that damn water
She's always crying to me about!


I'm really quite mean to her actually!
For some reason...

I just

And that's okay...

I know
She likes it


Go team!

Insight Prayer

The glow
Is very real.
Internal. Forever.
Holding the messages
of light.

Can not understand
The infinite ever birthed
As apart
Of his own

The vast,
As minute as atoms,
Being contained,
By the body of light
We call
Our body,
Our temple,
Our vessel.

The strong
Resource alone
For many years,

Ever containing
The knowledge
Of their own...

For someone who knows,
What they know.

The Master,
Beginning or not,
Pulls in at will,
What he needs,
What he seeks,
But his needs are few,
And his seeking,

And they are all stages...

But Man,
Must first pass through his arrogance,
His pain,
His narcism...

He must pass through his beliefs,
His resignation,
And his need to be the only one in pain...

He must pass through all of these,
To see.

To see the Heart
He contains underneath.

Then this man can call himself strong,
And he will seek and seek and seek.
And falling often,
This man will dispair...
But he will also uncover
And the will,
To keep

This man will meet one day,
The thing he knew he was looking for.
And this will begin
A new journey of faith.

Enlightened- full of light...
Step by step,
Stage by stage...
Acquiring Master sight.

This is the evolution of man.
I ask you:

"Are you evolving?"

And if not,

One merely need
To pray for insight.

And so
Let it be!

The Saddest Thing

He pines over her,
Years gone.

Glows warm before him...
But years in the dark,

He can not see her-
Can not see her essence...
Can not love
What is already given.

Deep, dark,
He stays,

And she will be

Come and gone.

Never lingering too long

Where her star
Is not seen.

In her palm,
The universe of many
Is held...

He weeps,
Looking past...

Never seeing

The Glow
Of his Angel.

She can not make him see..
And knowing this,

She backs away slowly..

For she must wait
For her assignment to be ready.
Forever for him.
An assignment
Is just that.

And all else put aside...

It is time
For her to stay close
At a distance...

Until in the years,
He changes. Opens.
Finds his own glow.

And then...
May have a place once more.

But the Angels can not stay
Where they are unwanted.

Ever going between.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Angel's Diary


Free me.
Let it go.

What I am here to do,
I heed...

One step
Before another,
Moving and being
As they need.

Allow me,
Oh Great Spirit,

To everyday
Make it Not
About me...

But about them.

It is easy for me to forget,
Easy for me to want...

But in wanting
I lose you.
Lose me...

In wanting
I am less capable of being the Angel you need me to be...

And now this,
I see.

So I return home to you..
As I calibrate again
My being..

The truth
For what it is.

I had lost my way,
But of my path,

Let me regain..
Let me come again


And I will
Be there for them...

Without wanting
A thing.

Let me come again home...
And honor you.

As I love them.

And your service,
I am ever in...

For them, my Lord..

For them.

And I promise to return..

For these people

I love.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fawn Incarnate

Get out of my head...


I will!
I release you!

I am no fawn,
Not stupid,
Not waiting,

Until the shot rings.

The white fall...

I am not she.

She is a life before me.
She is the haunt of my ancestry..

But she,

Is not me!

I am her,

Her child,
A new!

Never slain!
Never a day;
A Goddess A New..



She was my mother.

And I watched her..

As the bullet bore

The mothering nurturer

She spent life- times being...

Only so she could give
Birth to me...

And I watched her...

Watched her die,

Where the bullet pierced through..

The spirit leaving in her eyes...
As she,

One leg, by one,


The end,
Of her life...

My Fawn's last gaze,
Into her daughters eyes...

For I am the transfer,
Of Goddess Life...

And as she gazes,

One last glance against a white painted red,
The fallen snow,
Holding her last breath,

And I know...

She knew...
She waited...

This was coming.

I am her...


She is
My life...


My Mother,
My God...

Passing on..

Giving me life...

So I can go on
And fulfill,

THIS destiny...

And I am not she.

Not weak.
Not unseeing,

But a Goddess a new...

A birth great,

For THIS time...


A warrior.
A new.

But she...
She lay in me...

The spirit of everything kind,
Everything sacrificed,

So that the world would know love,
So that the passed life,
Could be protected...

For the greatest cause there can ever be...

Giving birth
To the new cause,
Protecting man...

Through me...

She is my mother!
And she rests eternally in me...

But I am not her,
And no man will ever see..



For I am the new life,

That begets...

Passes on,
And through...

And leaves.


Was my mother...

And I,

I am still she...
But she,

My Obsession,
Is not me!

And I will not a lay in the snow,
Upon my own defeat...

For through her blood and tears to love man,

I arise,
Upon her sacrifice for me...

And I have been born again;
Goddess A New,

An evolved breed...

The nurturer forever within,

But my heart,
A warrior's feat!

....and I get up,

Stand to my feet, and say goodbye once more
To the old of me...

Of us...

Her spirit transfered,
Her vessel, sacrificed...

The snow,
Beginning to fall...

Carrying the death and transition of it all,

For the frozen tears
The warrior reborn.

It is cold...
And she is gone...

But where I walk...
The snow melts...

And the fire within us all...


It is a new humanity,
Coming a drift..

And I walk now...


Into the life,

My mother,

Prepared me for!

I am her.
She is not me...

I am the strength
Of something emerged.

and the fawn lay...
A new vessel taking away...

The transfer....


Am you now..

And you,

Living in me.


Will rise
Once more.

Spirit Fire

Snow falls,

She's looking up..
Looking beyond.

Seeing something,

In the dark night air,
Where the snow starts.

Music plays
In the background
Enchanting the fire
And inducing flashes...

That tremble and shake this earth...

And her knees bend,
Almost buckle,

But they don't.
And she stands,

Facing the dream before her...

Entranced by the fiery visions
She straightens back up,
Face a glow,

Getting lost...

In the distance.

Life and death,
Trace the outline
Of the smoke ablaze
Carrying her soul to a distant place,

As if she is lulled
By a call,
No other in her forest may hear,

With spirit ears,
She heeds something,

Allowing it to enchant her soul and lull and lull
Until she walks
Into the Vortex calling her...

Sirens in the distance..

Calling her...

But these
Are the sirens
Of The Earth God,

Is the initiation before her.

She turns,
One last time to her tribe,
Wondering if the beckoning is summoning the others...

But she turns back,
Facing the Vortex...

It is only her,
Where she stay...

That the spirit of the night
Only beckons of her name,

And she realizes,
Her place has never been

Amongst them.
And so

She turns,

Saying goodbye to no one,


She is on her way to meet the destiny she was born

The snow falls.
The embers a glow.

And it is quiet in the forest.
And the Earth will wake,

In peace,
For her child
Has returned home.

And they will search,

And the shaman will pick up the ground,
Where she stood, just lifetimes before,
The legend will be known.


Went home.

For she,
Is The Lion
Of The Earth...

And it has been her time...

The time,

For her
To return.

Back home..
Once more;

The call..

Starlit Seas

Navigating by the stars,
I hop my boat,
And push away...


It will be done.

All I see now
Are clusters and constellations;
Trillions and trillions
Of starlit molecules
Basking in the sky...


My North Star.

Am my
North Star...

Looking up,
Smiling back at myself,

The universe looking onward
As my

Only Magic from here.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Lulls of Triton

I'm crashed.
Head over heals,
Wave subduing my head
Like the force of your hand on it,

The way I crave!
Body pulls,

And tumbling...
Knowing I will float to come up for air
I just hold my breath
And let the water force and turn me
In it's every whim,
My tiny body,
Lost in the crash and pull..

Hair dancing beneath the surface
In slow frame motion
Classic music entrancing my closed eyes,
As I shut them...
And I let the ocean take me...
The noise of crashing roars
Becomes a melodic classic symphony,
Taking me far away
To another place...

Where I meet you.
And you are standing there..

The ocean surrounds and throws me beneath in it's toil...
But as I surrender,
It's arms liquid,
Are yours that hold me.
And as my hair whips,
It is your grip that grabs me..
And as my body flips,
It is your hands that force me...

Your body
And strength,
A force engulfing completely.
Your grip,
The entire ocean beneath surround..

And I find myself floating
In what seems to be an endless breathless tumbling
But somehow,
I am in the peace...
My breath to cease needing oxygen
As I tumble and stand
In time...

As the liquid
Engulfs and surrounds me,

So that entire body of water,
Is you,

And I surrender
Under your force.
Under your pull and grip...
Floating me
To where I need to be...

Coming up for air

Not ready yet,
To leave my Triton
Of Gods.

I do not know you...
But I let you sing me...
Move me,
In your motion..

Your liquid body..

And it is all the knowing I need..

As moments
Of you,

As moments
Of us...

As moments
Every unknown.

That is why,
In your body,
I float, hearing nothing
Above the surface,

Out there.

I lose myself to the peace
Of the pull

Of the mystic deep...

Hiding deep, penetrating all
Every atom
The key.

Peace in serenity...

Listening to the vast deep
And the awe of how
I am a tiny body
Floating in the all of God...

So much to know...
And so much to touch...

And then there's you...
Not really of my world
Or are you?

I see you
As a great body of water,
And waves crashing...

Waves I hear from a distant shore...
Calling to me..

Beckoning in lulls...

And I let the ocean
Swallow me whole...

In the peace,
The no breath,
The vast mind,
And your body,



Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Growing Rowan

Kisss me..
If I were to indulge,
You would kisss me...
Hands coming up the back of my neck where his were instead,
Your grip, your spark,
Your taste,
Eating me...
Drinking me,
Devouring...all of the mine,
That I make yours...

As hands reach out and grip my being,
I close my eyes,
And they are all yours "Daddy"-
Can't tell him why...
Don't know..
Don't know
Why I have made them all yours..
I have,
And you eat me, devour me, in the space between.
Body and heart trembling in wait..
Your fingers straggling over my being,
Dragging over my flesh..
Craving the all of something
All demons screech at me to put down
It is only a sound,
A dream,
Where u and I can abide to our life,
Where I lay in your bed..
And let you take me,
Without ever,
Giving me back.

It's an air.
A lostness close between souls,
& undefined...
But it is you,
Ever present, heart
Body somehow..

And I shout and cry and scream to the God's against crashing waves,

Seeing your face in

But how...
Can this be?

Even I...
Don't know!

Even I, my Chase,
Don't know.

And as much as I would like to attribute all to false adoration,
To dreams being weaved,
And fantasy's being cast...

There is something in you that stirs me..
Like old soul, and Irish gaiety over ale...
Like winds sweeping across time, space, connecting me there...
That heart...
That I can or can not know...
I don't know...

But I feel
Not sure if it is mine,
Ours, but it is a magic..
Intrinsic, deep,
And there is something in me
Just done
Over you!!
What a fool!

What a fool as fools are sold.
Speaking In silly past lives old..

Thinking of you..
Inside something in me

And I haven't been able to get you out..
Not you...
Want to..
But not you...

Something about
Something I love,
That I just won't let go of...

And I haven't exactly told you
That I can feel you
Across time
Across space...

Because I am not sure it is you, over I..
Not sure the us is
Never a lie..

But it's like breath, I soak up from your being..
However sad, lost, hurt you are,
For some reason where you lay,
My soul rests in a peace
In your underneath,
And I feel blanketed... Solaced..
As if home..
However far
You are...

And I know...
It is silly..
Saying that over and over again
Trying to plow it in...

But it won't sink!
It won't sink.
Because there is something intrinsic,

Between you,
me, the worlds,
The mystery...
The magic, the mystic,
And I want you,
To teach me.. Love me..
Take me..
Out of this life..
And the mundane..
Because it stretches, reaches far
Across plains

Where there is something deep.
Beyond. Boundless.
Without limits..
And I want to taste,

What I know,

Will be the Death of me.
To chase death like she is a prize...
But I chase you,

Because you are mine.
For the centuries.
For THIS time..
And then,

I will drink you,
And u may devour me,
And then...

I will die.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

City Lights

I could eat up this city
And it's industry
Swallowing it

And in the lights,
I see the Santa Barbara air,
Walk and shops,

And it's like swallowing magic drops..
The air of memories
And him once upon a time next to me
And the early discovery
Of innocent travel-
Night life like eclectic shops for the rich,
And subtle dim lighting and trim
The magic there
The ocean air..

And how I can sit
In this La Brea traffic

And take in the lights ahead,
Swallowing and engulfing

All that's said,
Between vicinities; worlds...

Seemingly miles and distances apart,
But flowing, touching it,
Drinking it...

Never too far.

The lights,
I breathe...and they take me...
Take me there...
Take me
Where I want to go...

Breathing it in
Is seeing it...
Being it...

And I know
I could swallow this city whole...
Taking it in...
Breathing it out...
Coming out
World lit showcase.

Not a matter of if,
Because the lights breathe to me,
Sing to me,
Impart my prophecy...

And I swallow them,
As I mastecate the places I see
Emersed in a very real vision before me.
All the lights and romance of the world,
And places,
I will ever see...
In this life...

And the dream is romantic..
And the most magical version
I have ever seen...

A girl's unrealistic dream...
And embracing it
Beyond the wildest imagining

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Present Master

He triggered me,
And I cried....

I cried after being angry,
And then I just cried.

It came in a flood,
All at once,

And I thought about Dad, and
I thought about more,
And I cried harder...
Tears flooding...

So much more.

You can not make someone love you,
You can not make them try...
You can ask them to see you,
But it is up to them and their why.

And I just feel it,
The gourd in my throat,
As I cry wanting to scream it out,
The sadness
In masses,
The lump becomes a pain, and I can't talk, tell or scream,
And as I cry, it feels in vain,
Because nothing
Is getting it out.

I cried. Hurt. Tried.
Feels like I'm let down
Every time....
Ever having
To raise myself, rise
From the ashes, ashes,
That burn me down.

Ever having to go through the transformation
Of releasing my pain now...
Ever shifting,
Ever dying,
Sometimes doing it alone...
But when I am not, it is the Angels
Come and gone
And not the people whom I love so much or that love me....
It is the angels, that keep me free,
That stay with me...
For all others,
And go...
At some point,
Or another...
And it is in my nature to release or cling
Or cling...
And I do what I know I have to.
Crying to release the rain,
Before another day,
As the clouds clear away,
After tears shed.
The being in me cries,
The angels in me rise,
And the master is ever present
All the tides.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Through Me

Take me in like you are breathing Life
Into me.

Vastly sweeping oceans,
I am across all planes

Ever available
Returning home
In your grace,
As your grace
With my Wings free
Once more.

Never a day
Like today-
When one can simply turn
And meet face
With their inner Divine,
Scraping away
More and more
Being more and more

Of the Unmoved Light.

I see my rays,
Stretching vastly beyond,
Nothing to contain them quite the same,
As I shed this body of armor
That I have accumulated over the centuries.
I break
Old cycles
Like Holy Graces being performed as miracles...
And I can honestly say,
That I am the Light of Heaven.

And I can honestly say,
That I am the Body of God.

Is returned through me
As my pathways of receiving
Are widened.
Emergence is the gift I give to those seeking.
The promise I hold...
Endless love,
Our heir; our birth right.

Sweeping into me
As the life and breath of God,
Sweeping me up
Into the Heavens..
Where I dance and ascend,
Before returning down,
And bringing the Light of God
With me.

Thank you.
Thank you...
For only this...only heaven,
And now,
As I breathe....
All light passes through me...
Reaching beyond..
...and I hold

Your hand.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


My obsession lies
In your tips my love,
Your lips I long for...

You and I
On some distant sea shore

You and I
Bare and naked and stripped
To this life...

Running free
It all behind.

My obsession lyes
In your eyes,
Not the ones I see,
But the ones that see me,
That I feel through,
To gain grasp of you.

It is an illusion, a dream
And as Maya clouds,
You and I ascend..

Never afraid to love,
Nor to give,
To take a stand.

My obsession lyes
In this mechanizing hand-
The one that shadows all fates,
With fear, labels, "takes"...

And HE will forever
Be the carrier of our fate,
You could never want me more.

My obsession lyes in
The lure, the obscure
The far away and painted...
The "can't have's"
And my calls to "bluff" it...

My obsession lyes
In some painted time-mess-warp
Between souls just trying
To sing,
And feel,
And touch,
And hold,
All walls
And fires
Go up,

You and I, my Love...
A silly fate...
A silly fate...

Illumination's Resting Place

Kiss my cheek,
My eyes close
Resting my soul
Into relaxation.

You do not have a face,
But I see you,
Sweeping my hair away
And gazing into me,
Seeing me...
Seeing me...
.. Me.
I see you sweeping away
The man where he lay
In my bed-
No promise of tomorrow Divine.

I see you,
Holding my soul,

I am tired this morning,
Needing to rise,
With heavy eyes...

Kiss me.
On my cheek...
I close my eyes,
And rest
Into relaxation.

I close my eyes,
And I see the light...
Rays vast,
Stretching beyond
Anything I can see left..

And looking for its source...
Until I look down...

The light is coming from me.
My chest.
Your kiss.

And me..inside...

You kiss me.
I close my eyes.
And fall
Into the deep within...

And all I see is the brightest,
Most beautiful Golden light...
Angels and Divine,
All Consuming,
All Vast,
All entrenching...

I know it is
The Light of God,
I know it is
What's in me
When I close my eyes.

Your kiss, now, a vision,

But I know you are real...
I know u have a face here,
A place here,

And I await...

Not longing...
But I close my eyes
And rest into relaxation..

Your place to me,
Is within
Until we meet.

I see you.
I know you.
Though I do not see
Your face.