Friday, February 28, 2014

The Capturer: The Punishment ("and things")

Who am I?
Girl, that gets headaches, and watches to see all the things
She is, and thinks underneath.

Who am I?!
She that believes in Angels, and veils, and demons?!

Who am I?! Up high,
Feeling the voice of prayer,
As so many earth tones?

Who am I?
That sings?
Who's voice?! Is this?!
Who is she?

And to be so punishing
Herself daily?!
Would she,
Feel so unworthy....

This flame child...
This star...
This galaxy?!
Why would she?!
Go on,
To be so unworthy,
Tiny thing...

I banish...
And command...
Losing sleep...
Losing life...

Who is she?!
Losing life?!
And why
Punishing me?!

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