Thursday, February 20, 2014

Soul Channelings: The Angel's Rise

I will not lie:

It is hard, to walk in this incarnation.
I see reality(s)...
Most do not.

In me, is the wrath of the spiritual battle it takes,
To win and persevere...
Around me, "Army's of Angels",
As the psychics who read me,
Look on and view.
I humbly say,
"I know" longer so surprised when others with the gift, see it too.

Each Angel,
Is as individual as humans...
We anger, grow impatient..
More than JUST HAVING Dark Sides,
We actually, JUST MUST...
In order to do
What we do.

Each passing day,
The veil lifts more and more.
I see things so many would question, but the more I see,
The more I see this world for the illusion that it is.
And it is, though it is also, the thing we call
So have no are already here.

I walk now, in between veils...
Finding a way more everyday,
To calcify the visions I see;
To understand them.

People think Angels are all Love and Light... But come on! From the stories alone, we know this is just not the case...they are just as susceptible to free will and the negative emotions that humans struggle with as well...

But somewhere...
We also have stronger roots in God...
Enough to soldier away for the Just, who find themselves victims to this reality they have not yet seen the truth of just yet.

That is what humans are.

I am
A God-Man right now.
As an Angel...
I am just that...
As Angels too,
Have the spark of the divine good in us...
That is what God is, and where God dwells.

In all of Us.
Human are my brothers.
And the Angels, my fellow Masters...
Some of them more listened to, and dearer friends, than others.

And I realized something last night.
Something I had forgot a long time ago.

I am Prophet.
That, is why I come.

The Humans had stripped Ariel of her privilege for sometime...
They still try...
But she grows strong.
And demons and people alike have thirsted for her blood,
Her demise....
A long while now...
Many of them winning many battles over her...

But she is reclaimed by the light...
As she stands again in Heaven,
To take her righteous place once more.

The Angels sound in her ears when she feels them, and prays.
They touch her, and she tingles, when she asks.
And it seems, she remembers now, and is less afraid to lose everything,
If that is indeed
What it takes.

She Has already walked through the valleys of judgement.
Coming out of the flames,
She has wings she couldn't see before; couldn't feel. Couldn't use.

She is a Soldier Angel, as are The Archangels...

And that is why in her, fire burn.

She sees this world for everything that it is, at every turn,
Both blessed
And damned.

And THAT...
Is what makes it hard...
To walk this walk,
Through the valley
Of the shadow
Of death.

I had
To initiate

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