Monday, February 3, 2014

Stray's Inspired

You do not know it,
Oh, seeming despiser of me...

But you have inspired many a thing in me,
Oh many.
And all the, and I mean all...
Of the furies
Of a Broken Heart.

Out of this,
You have many a song, my love...
And alone,
I stand on two books...
But because of you,
Simple you..
Who seeks so ardently to find your purpose.

You...mistreat me, like some abandoned and straggly dog...
Stray, that strays to you for some reason.
Funny how dogs, can sense things,
Others can't.

And as it seems, oh possible despiser of me,
That you have not one warm motion in your heart towards me, or a thing I have ever said...
I stray to you, don't I?

And I would, if I could, send this directly to you...
But each time I reach out, it is a swift wave away, and I know,
This Stray,
That I have overstepped
My bounds with you...
You who I have somehow, in my heart,
Ordained Master.
Something about you, of the crowd,
Closes this Stray in.

Call it Dancing with Wolves.
Balto..and The Tramp...

Only I am the Canine
This time.

Loving you.
It was always you...

But if we do not have a Happy Ending...
Then we have a rhyme and a purpose.

I wanted you to know..
Because of You...
In my life over this last year and plus...

I am sitting on a wonderful book idea,
With a second to boot...
And many songs,
That are never sung,
Without you somehow there.

I don't like to tell a person like you,
Any of this...

Because a person like you,
Almost hates me more..
For doing so..

I will wander off away today,
After being "shewed", "shewed"..
And probably find myself again tomorrow
Being drawn back in
By the smell of Meat, and the curiosity of the man, that means something to me.

I am seeing it.
The Wolf.
The Dance.
The man.
The Stray.
And he may never know the role he plays to this "Eye-Caught" gaze..
May never know, until he pays attention into the "unveiled realm"
Behind her magnetic eyes-

The She-Wolf that won't go away.

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