Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Soul Channelings Dialogue

My heart weeps for you,
As you strike that blow
Across my face
Stricken from are the tears of my mothers and mothers before you.

Silly man...
I look down upon you, as you look down upon me on my Knees...Father, and Ex-Lover; Muher.
Not the Voice of Man,
But the Act,
As a God in Itself.

I am not ill...
For the thoughts I think that are not yours-
I am broken and re-strung back together;
Bound by a force mightier,
Than arrogances may ever bear..
Against a force that will be mighty strong.

Endured, are my brothers. Endured, do we last, coming back, time and time again,
Through the body of the flesh.

Fathers will well be your Foe,
And Mother and Brother alike,
For where ye Turn,
Everywhere is the shadow "they call Satan"

Satan is nothing more than illusion and sadness.
As is Hell...

Yet everywhere you turn, will be this illusion in all men...
And there too,
The sacred beyond,
Enough to quickly snuff out,
Any shades of gray.

We will be tested. And brought to our darkest point.
The only way to win the test, is to be taken in by the shadow,
And consumed through surrender alone. Only then,
Can one forgive,
And know how to be forgiveness.

Only then,
Have we faced our greatest fears indeed-

Which is why we come down here.
Time and time again.
All of you brethren.
The deepest truth.
A singular string,
And every-attachment.
The solo-most of reality.

From One,
Were birthed the many.

And though in you, I know I dwell..
You may not recognize this deep in me...

And that is why this world takes.

That is why there is broken bond still...
And we walk,
Heads down,
Pretending not to see, or judge, or shame our neighbor...


I see you neighbor,
Though I play to our role as well.

But if you see me,
And I see you,

Between us, there may lay,
No Hell.

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