Saturday, February 15, 2014


As my eye catches the bottle..

The bottle of herbs that I had desperately hoped would help me months back...

I am pulled in,
By the months.
Pulled in by the intention,
And where it has led me.

The birds sound.
Their medicine calls.
And I see,
That where the sadness was so deep,
The mourning is over.

The plague that rot my stomach with distress,
Has been moved; the energy,

The changes too, sound,
As subtly
As the passing season(s).

Habitual gravitation towards;
Habitual gravitation away from.

Even still,
The focus comes in
The ever-reminders
Of an outside world-
A world, that does not stop it's rotation;
A people that thrive and decay,
All the same.

Is the constant reminder
Of all our fretful notions;
And their validity as well.

I am happy to report...
That the withdrawal seems to be evaporating.
My recovery still slow, but "the Angels" present...
Whispering notions in my ear...
So that each step taken,
Is a step closer
To my internal destinations.

The messages, like reminders.
As real as a friend over coffee
In confidence
And advice.

Every step,
A new notion.
But the reminder,
As old,
As Ancient truth.

And I am...

I am so truly happy, to report...
That the growth is tangible.
And even,

And so, as I look at this bottle of herbs resting by my television,
I am grateful...
As I pull back in those months to reflect...
That indeed,
They have done what I asked them to.

The bottle is labeled Willpower.
The herbs, tonic,
Able to move the Qi.
And it did, just that...
Helping me to process a sadness,
That none of me knew how to digest;
My stomach was holding onto,
What my heart was not ready to take.

They made me ready,
In all ways...
As I began to stand up again.
Walk again.
And as I had so needed, to see...
That no better was there,
A time to cry.

As I stood up, stood to my feet...
They willed me to take the actions that I knew I needed...
But I just didn't have the power In me.

Takes will away, it does.

For months I remained sick,
Because again I had been beat, left for dead,
And nothing could take that from me.
I think I figured,
"Better stay down this time--
There's nothing left here for me."

The Herbs had something else to say:
"Get up!"...
"Even if not today, YOU WILL, get up"...

And I did.

I did.

The emotion wells.
The tears stray,
But it is over gratitude.
And how life, is grace,
When our rights are not infringed upon.

The reminder in today's world,
And the Earth of the past...

Is that rarely will a human form know the grace of true freedom, alone...
And I know...
I do...

That, THAT is why we fight,
Even though this world may be the most continuously heartbreaking thing,
I perhaps, have ever seen,
In all my lives.

And perhaps,
That is why I keep coming back...
And I continue to soldier away.

It is nothing short of a bloody, endless war...
And no,
That is so obviously not a metaphor.
It is a stone-cold truth,
When we watch an innocent man beat to death by a band of cops who are tried and let free...
The evidence was in the video.

Or by a government that runs us over in stolen rights,
Like water,

There IS...
A reason,
It is called Free energy...

But they can't make money off of that,
So they steal, what is the people's rights...

And over,
And lie.
And worst of all,
I have let us watch them.

We are a poisoned nation...
In our water and food supply...

A murderous nation is our genocide of "livestock"...

Can't we call them what they are?!
They are innocent animals we imprison and torture- all rights stripped...
So that we may poison ourselves with their acidic, dead, and carcinogenic flesh.
I don't understand the ugliness of our people. Not the ignorance.
Not the greed.
Nor the psychopathic lack of morale.
I do not...

But somewhere in this bloody war...
I have found it in me,
To step up.
To stand a foot..
To rise again,
And take up the sword of my pen,
And the ambition of my will...

I have found reason once more...
To fight for us,
A people,
That still kills
The all around us...

Because the truth is this:

We are good.

And the reason why I stand,
Why I have always stood,
Is because innately,
We are good.

And somewhere,

That is all
That really matters.

But we are far from that...

And as I walk my journey back home...
I only seek
To take a many with me,
Who are ready to leave behind,
The old life.
Our old ways.

And it is
A war indeed.
Blood is scattered across all trails leading home...
But some of us awake from our deaths,
And become


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