Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Zoom

Zoom so it shows the blur.
See those floorboards, wooden, old..
Painted over,
Scrapped over...
Like the wounds in my heart;
Just covered is all.

Seems lonely,
Trail-blazing through life when nobody else will.
Didn't realize I'd be doing it so alone.
Makes things different.
Makes things

They look at me, as if my Energy is marked with "WITCH!"...
Curse me, I swear...
Seems like they'll feed on my light,
But all the while despising it so.
And that, is what makes, this life "funny" I suppose.
I suppose.

I want to say that I have never met "a people" so cruel. So ravaged so. So plagued in spirit, and yes, oh yes...
Playing w Demons indeed.
That's what I WANT to say.

And IT IS lonely.
Trying to shine your light for the very people who might, would,
Contempt you so.

They are cruel, faul...human beings.
That is many our nature.
And some of us,
Oh yes some of us,
Have a "little more humanity" as they say- oh the irony!
Of the word!

Many a man walks alone.
I just don't know why so many of us go on pretending we don't.
Or add to the turmoil by choosing to be ignorant. Ignorant to our ways mostly, and then letting pride ruin all relationships-
All Love.

Is it dark for me to tell the truth,
That weaves our history,
Like drunkards, and prostitutes,
Debauchery and murder in the name of politics or gah! - God, for that matter?!

Starvation, disease, gluttony...and then you have "pettiness" which GOD, is the worst, because it is the seed of ignorance at it most passive-evil!

But I AM DARK? For what? having been hurt? struggling with physical pain? My whole life.
Emotional rape. Physical abuse. Verbal attacks?
I don't get how somebody who does not do that to others could so undergo on so many occassions, that being done to her.

Now...don't get me wrong...you wound me, I will hurt you! And sometimes, words are the greatest weapon...
But u don't hurt me,
And you have nothing to worry about.

And that is the truth from what I have seen and what I have seen of the relationships I have that can be deemed healthy, and respectful.

But I have seen disdain met by my wrath!
As I have seen judgement mirrored at its harshest.

I suppose it's the warrior in me. The fight
In me...

The love..


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