Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Crystal Ball

I'm more content now,
Navigating my road. Dying by myself,
No mean havens to stress my death.

Much more content now,
Living in my sin,
The only voice now, my own mostly,
That so matters.

Much more content now,
Seeing people,
For who they choose to be,
Stead of being "spelled" over...
I thought I,
Was the witch.

More content now,
Sitting back watching,
Through my crystal ball.

Alone. Angels.
And then of course, my treacherous Love...
In my heart, there's always you.

And that's mostly it...
'Save for my cherished few...
But like I said...


And then only...

A bit more of a lonely life.

I'm rather enjoying it...
Accept the part without you.

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