Thursday, January 30, 2014

Luck of The Draw

You've cried wolf so many times.
Like me.

Brushed off.
Even I..
Brushed off.

Does it get hard?
Wearing so often,
Your mask of Apathy?

Do you break down,
And shake? Tremble?
Come falling down,
The tears that finally weep?

After the Rash, subsides,
In all it's hot red?
Is there not the sadness left after that?
The sadness?

If I were to read the sky,
She would be crying today;
Weeping underneath,
Like a girl finally realizing she's sad...

For the cover is threatened and dusty grey
That would hinder a brilliant morning.

Either she is glorious,
Or I am...
As when I see her tears having created
This mist,
This mist,
That dampens a sunlit dew...

I stand hovering,

Encompassed. Tiny to any of this.
Irrelevant with Importance.
Candid with purpose.
Tapered Up,
And Rooted down!

I am watching her weep, knowing in possibly an hour of luck,
She will be scampering through those fields, freeing herself,
Waking up from within..
Playing without.

And then, I think,
The luck may bring the sun.

As the magic unfolds, not in any tomorrow..
But here in the nitty-gritty,
Here and Now...

We face each principle of ourselves
As the enormity of a book,
In every instance-
Make it count.

No more wolf.
No more crying wolf.
No more SEEING it as crying wolf.
Just Live. Let live.
And make it count as if its your last.

It will be one day..
Could be soon.
And you don't wanna go out,
Leaving without your absolutions to this life.

Make mine,
In peace
At the end of the day.
Somedays are days of hours long.

I'm resorting to
Crawling down from my web now.
Sort of,
Deciding to PUT it away..

The web she weaves, the web she weaves.
The more I work from intuition..
The more sometimes I feel I lose "me"...

This person Ariel is supposed to be.
The Spider Crawls down...
In Absolution.

I fret for her...from my watcher...
Because she seems the type to resolve Death, if she can not change the nature within her.

That Spider...

My Mystery...

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