Friday, January 31, 2014

The Capturer: (Log 3) The Writer

I could go on forever...
Telling the story, the capture.
As I do....
I watch the suffer.

I watch myself get lost in the tale, the telling,
As Genki hunches over, ears back..
And I begin to see and understand,
He needs me...
And how.

I can not imagine...
Being on the other side of my pen at times. Can not imagine what it would feel like, "should someone be writing
These things..
About me..." (Narrating to myself in a British "nanny" voice now, almost for the fucks sake of it)

I can not imagine, and so
I know I must have caused some to suffer.

Is one of many
Cross that I bare.

For to cower away and not express at all ,
Is to also not do,
Many duties.

I sort..of..
Find myself tight-roping it..
Walloping a balancing act
For a first time..
On several occassions...

Oh just the occasion of my life ;)!

And I think now,
To myself, here...

How important it must be..
That I tell my story.
In the sense..that...I wildly tell others' just by my feelings alone...
How "dutiful" (if you will) of I, it seems,
To tell my own..


I suppose, I guess...I do.
Sure, with some things to hide as any, and many, oh enough I'm sure...

Still, I find, as I do, they like to crucify a bit..
For being too candid...

I wonder to myself..
Can I help it?
-I'm a writer, that's what I do...

What I like..

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