Friday, January 31, 2014

Rabbit Hole

The day reveals.
And he IS
Nowhere to be seen.

What do I want from you?
Ohhhh, how about maybe NOTHING
When you say it LIKE THAT.
When you say it, like annoyance...
After I had spent a year, and many ways
"Telling you what I want"...
Or how about what I don't want?
Did that make a difference when I told you that? Do you even know...
What I don't want?!

What I don't want!
- to be treated like a pest.
What I don't want;
To be treated minus specific respect.
What I don't want...
Somebody who is too cold to even consider me.

You make me wait, like chess and games...
But also, like cold apathy
And disconcern for me.

We are not friends are we?
We never were, were we?
I might as well have died, and you would only miss me like another sad thing gone wrong in YOUR life.

I have always been willing to make your problems mine.
Done that for me?

No...instead, you'd spout how you just CAN'T be bothered now...
"Can't be bothered..."
God, It's such a bother...
Having someone so willing to love you.
Ignorant Fucking ass.

I'm sick to death of it...
And I'm just scratching my way out of this damn Rabbit Hole,
And looking for surface.

I would kill the damn rabbit
If I could catch him.

Signed Alice
And her jar of heart pieces.

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