Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Flimsy Foolish

You linger in me..
Words, memories, whispers, unreal.
I deserve nothing from you,
And you I.

We have both wronged eachother treacherously
Out of our love,
And our hate for ourselves and the other.

Everywhere I look,
I see you,
Or whatever it is you stand for
In my subconscious' conscious.

We deserve nothing from the other.

You want me to pick up and abandon all memory; cower over the foolishness...
Because I could.
Yet I waver on both.

Why would he give us his blessing?
What do I not know?
And what have you not said?
And why won't I let you go,
As I commit to...

Still committing to.
Still wanting to,
Because you make me a foolish girl...

In fact,
The worst I've seen.

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