Thursday, January 16, 2014

Down The Rabbit 'W'hole

I'm ready now.
(Breath in)....... ....... .... (Chest tight)..

Walking after all...

I put,
It down...
This sword and fight
Still left in hand;

Breathes fresh out...

I put it down.
So nice.

Falling in love once more...
Taking it ALLLL

Where I let the pits of hell fall once more
As I float,
Through violin-playing clouds,
And harps,
That relish me back to wholeness.

Everything Good...
Is everything more powerful than any demon,
For it IS the Good of all,
So many,
Infinite beauties, and synergies,
Like adaptogens
When taken in...

In all this good,
Is how The Demons attune once more to that which he'd always been...
But lost..

It is a light, almost portal, or worm-tunnel of matter at different masses...

The good overtakes their void,
As quick as milliseconds...

It takes but ONE notion to let it in.
ONE motion of absorb..

And like light,
They are Re-membered again.

I have seen this..
In my falling.

And in my..
Letting Go.

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