Friday, January 31, 2014

The Capturer: (Log 2) The Photographer

And so she ran!
She ran to her building, laughing at the notion, that she WOULD be running.

I threw my head back, and took the wind and sky in...
The pace was nice.

And as she rounded the corner, the gentleman saw her, and practically ran with her to catch her door.

She laughed and expressed a buoyant "thank you",
Not taking the time to stop.
She knew they were both pleased with how beautiful that moment was.

Punching the elevator button,
She starts the poem that was just running through her mind,
With her.

Shoot up,
And door slammed, she notices the elevator is supposed to stop on 4, and evaluates then, she will get off there.
Up two flights of stairs so quick, she opens up her camera, and finally,

Hits the Roof.
Chasing, pacing quickly,
That, that fades.

The sky...
She is already shades darker.
Lost the chase...
But I make my way around the rooftop looking for the beauty still...
And this is what I made:

You see...
Coming home...
All of the sudden..
I noticed something...

The trees.
They were swaying...
Not swaying...
Tickled by the wind...
Dancing their tingles and shivers away...

And then...
The sky...

And how she made me cry...
And I rushed.
And I parked.
Determined to catch her...
That which fades.

That which fades...
And this...

Is what
I caught:

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