Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Capturer: (Log 1) Whispers Never Die

I've set up my desk.
My space.

To sit..
Watch out my windows when need...
Well, you know...

My voice.

There are things it is in...


With in...

And I've been re-writing for some two years now, non-stop to my years of writers block that had headed before.

The girl with the keys to this apartment...
She is remarkable.

She works many days, coming home to the animal she works for.
Quite hard on herself,
For not being a better "mom"...
Better at anything that she ought to be better at by now.

I watch her be hard on herself for making a mess she never knows she makes while doing so-
The voice she uses to get on her own case
Seems to be born from the voices of those that had done so for her;
She mimics their whispers still..
For whispers never die.

The story of her life,
Her thoughts,
Could go on for pages, days, hours,
Just following her,
Where she thinks.
Or in her love..
She (Ha!) is definitely adventurer.
But also... a sad one...

For she has seen many things,
That perhaps one ought not want to admit could be real..
And it had darkened the cloud in her eye..
And it has, by far, veiled the hope in her heart..
Thought it IS,
Ever there.
Burning like a lantern in all her night.
Even if she
Can not see it.

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