Friday, January 24, 2014

The Vines

Beautiful thing,
Wrapped in diseased vines containing thee.
It is a dark day out,
The kind that makes history on many untold accounts...
The kind that leaves greats to themselves with no show for their work just yet...
Didnt it take Edison,
Einstein, ... Any great man,
Many great men,
Years before any knew their name?
Their work...

It takes time.
You may not see anything great from me today, but it is in my heart,
The Ferocity of the Sea...

An unstoppable thing.
Still beating and writhing on.
Not unprivy like so many.

I know it's fragile.
So fragile,
I could lose everything that matters in a moment. An instance.
I can not be un-privy to that.
To the fact,
That everyday I may strive for something
That may never be reached.

What is more fragile than that?
Than that?
Knowing, if the luck turns,
It could be
All for nothing.

That is why Life is just that.
A beautiful thing...
Wrapped in diseased vines...

Molded..rotted and dying...
Wrapping her up...

Red lips.
Dark eyes intense.

Taking her out...
But surely.

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