Thursday, February 28, 2013

Deeper Still Colliding

Old wor(l)ds
Ripped out of pages

With Newborn haults.

Taking a moment to look out the window,
Drawing words up around the buzzing swarm over spotted rounds of dirt
Where Mama pulled the weeds.

How the dancing flies
Look like tiny pixies,
The light reflecting rays of translucent Pearl and yellow glows as if the sun were beginning to set for summer.

If any body else sees what she sees,
As she is carried away
By her imagination,
And the words that pass her mind
As though she were a painter
With a dipped bristle ready to construe.

She watches herself let go of the drapes- white and pure,
New and embroidered
Against a house that had always rather retained dirty colors..

The room is unclothed and unhoused but by two cats...

And yet in there,
The Light is pure,
Seeing for once,
It is okay,
That the rest is not.

Stepping and turning away,
She pushes the words back..
The ones that just took her away..

As she steps over the cat-littered floor,
Making her way back to her room.

Some imbalance waring to maintain,
As she paces herself between movies resting her brain,
And tasks of organizing this
And cleaning that..

As she stops and pauses often enough,
To stare out,
And in,
Leaning back and petting him, her companion..
The tiredness like exhaust.

Yet still,
Ever Relentless.

She tares old words out of pages,
Seeking to organize notebooks hardly claimed for this purpose or that..

Songs intermingled with class notes and poems..
Business ideas, and what her practice would term, her "clearing sessions"...

Nothing seeming right
And yet, how she deeply, and truly knows
For once in her life...

It is all perfectly on time;

It's just the emotions fighting-
As the planets shift into their trine..

And she knows,
Even still..

Amidst the thought still running,
And the feelings still flowing,

That in the mere act of observing it all,
Will be fine.

And fine still.

As she
Goes Deeper Still...

Into that rich,
And undulating

Where she pulls words
But also, Words just flow.

"Go Deeper Still"...
Going deeper still..

Tired, and not the happiest...
But for once afterall..


In peace...

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