Thursday, February 7, 2013

Psalms Letting Go

My obsessiveness over you baby is amazing!
Still I find the still waters grazing.
Hymns become the chants of universe's pulling close;
I begin to feel the chords in my soul.

Urging flight lifts us...
Land, a far away home..
Lyrics and trails adrift us,
Resting to the plights of our psalm.

Soundtracks speak my silent internal, as I lift from within,
To meet dreams never seen.
Evading human flaw, as surreal ambivilancy,
Attempting to awake to my Dream.

Knowing you not, as so you say, not so much the real thing..
For we are soul, yes you and me..
A truth we ought never escape.

Healing winds aback my breath,
As wings forever arise...
I see the plight in your eyes, dear Darling,
But it not be a fate we'll abide.

Instead, I draw you..
Like the letting, letting of blood...
A flood I let the demon's keep,
As it'll be the last they'll ever applaud..

For with me, dear Love..
We'll evade their sake..
Singing wrath as her altruistic name...
For in the flight I've taken you to,
No thing can ever stay the same.

I lift you.
Take you.
Weave you into God!
Ask that you not kick and scream.

Do it. Do it...
And I'll watch you throw the game.

Or Instead, surrender..
Sing these odes...

Open to the things you fear-
You can never, may never, know.

Watch our birth arise.
Play nice, and wings, your sight..
Watch and listen,
Feel and bow..

As I take you this eve,
Into night...
To who
You were

For the illusion is drawn my Love.
And done, and done, and done.
Be not fooled by the dying Ego, for your graces it hath undone!
And called you by name so false, untrue, convincing you IT was you...
Rather Ego the death of every soul,
And let it,
And let it,
And let it go...
Wrath and pain,
Hurt, no gain...
And let it, and let it, and let it go..

A kiss...true Love, self's bliss..
Purpose poised like harmonious flow,
And inspirations,
Rejoin, as they rejoice, you uncovering your Soul!

Dear love,
Let your Ego die..
And I,
And I,
Will ready your flight.
Close, those eyes...heart brand new..
The deepest,
Most joyous,
And miraculous...

Be not
Be not,

For the world,
My Love,
Doth need you!

Put down
For they.

And yourself,
Will again

I'll see you..
See you...
I'll see you..
In our psalms, dear one..
In our songs, dear one...
And maybe.. If only...

In Truth.
Love, foretelling...
The journey
Our Soul!
The journey of In God, our Youth!

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