Friday, February 8, 2013

The Time; Is Now...Please

There's a song in my heart
That's not playing.

A longing in my heart..
As I fight vagabonds off,
And just wish to be safe, serene, seen..

I have my days,
Where I bare my teeth..
But it is truly only because underneath..
I am weak,
Scared of what they can do to me...

Forcing a Strength to the surface
Almost like radical severance,
Almost another identity,
That boils up,
And fights for me.
To save me,
From the many hands at all those undone's.

I do wish,
I could place my memory in them..
Give them a taste, of what it's like to be afraid...
Scared of any one of those moments,
Where they overthrow and take you,
Because you just got in too deep.
And they have the strength to..

Drugs, innocence...
And suddenly,
Your asking for your worst nightmare.

Love, sacrifice..
And the day it turns into black in eyes,
And no air to breath..

As they around,
Take length,
To Rape, Strangle, Shake me..
Severe me..

And then those that come around like games..
I wish I could give them my memories as a taste...
Almost certain..
To induce tears in them never faced.

The Radical Facade overthrows
Sweet, sweet faith...
Innocence ever having to tip-toe
For her life..
More than you will ever know.

And, I'm sitting...
Face to face with this fear that's shown..
Just escaped from the Rape of Throne..
Needing to remember,
That she grasped my life in her hands,
And squeezed, and squeezed,
Calmly telling me,
She'd do it 'til I couldn't breathe..

And then,
I go back to man, this thing I am so afraid of,
As he before me, not cares about my story,
But coaxes, coaxes,
A girl who used to bleed and freeze,
At saying no.

I am scared.
They scare me.
Coming in, passing bounderies..
And I just long,
To have arms wrapped around me,
A sole place where I belong,
So I can be safe, shine free,
And get on with these worldly deeds pressing at me..

But I tell you...
Man scares me..
As they're taken me..
Without ever seeing me..

But in glimpses...
And then,
I bleed out..

Scared to death of anything less,
Than just something safe
And warm.

And I wish I could give them my memories..
Because I just don't think,
It'd be
The same

Take my heart for a day,
And see if you can handle half the feats I face...
In your ruthless, dog eat dog world...
And yet,
I still stand...

Everything in tact..

And maybe broken some days..
Lost, and hurt, and rot with pain...

But here I stand
In your vain..

And everything
Is still
In tact.

I dare you..
To try on
An ounce of woman for a day..

And see
What she
Against all odds, and abandon..

How she,
Still stands.

....I do not blame man...
But I am deathly afraid,
Of getting hurt
In his world..

As I have..

For even they, THE WOMEN, that I love
Had cut me down to my faith..


Was the only thing,
I would never,
So clever..
Let them take.

Within a beat of my life,
Nearly EVERYtime,
I found the strength to pull myself
To my feet..

Even in my beatings,
Still never knowing defeat..

The strength of Woman,
Lays in her softest heartbeat..

And therefore, no man,
Will ever ever know..

The journey their counterparts

And because of this,
Man has not seen,
How he has taken, and yet abandoned
His most prized masterpiece
Of a gift of life..

And so his daughter's beat,
Raped Wife-,
Widows left in the die

And I pity, and pleeing,
Beseech man at my knees...
To see,
To see..

For once..

To see..
No greater feat in life,
Than the resilience,
The fight..

The strength
Of the Woman denied.


Birthed. Raised. Sacrificed. Raped.
Shackled, beaten, degraded..

And yet,
How resilient we still stand
To raise you.
To love you.

To never,
Let YOU go..

Although we,
For centuries,
Have remained alone.

Can I make you see?
Breathe you humility..?
A join compassion through empathy?
Summarization of collective memory?
Stab your heart for every heart you made bleed..
For every dishonor you took from her, refusing to see..

Who she is

What makes her tick, cry, bleed, shake..
What has caused her to rile in pain..?
How does she remain,
Yes, just okay?
How does she thrive?
And when, will she lose strength through a good but difficult life,
And need you?
Yes you,
To carry HER for once?!

carry ME for once..

So that it is not I always going Strong with Weakness

On the verge of collapse
From all that I don't mean to take on.
Just loving..
Innocently playing...
Until someone..
Really does get hurt.

Hurt, like the twist of a knife,
Or that fight that goes to far..
Or that gasping, gasping for air just to breathe,
"No, she screams, get off of me"..
Or the times they forced themselves on her...
Or the times they raped her of her Worth..
Worst- of her need to see
Another day...
Rather pleeing, "I'm ready, so take me please"...

I don't believe you will ever know...

Ever know...
How woman still stands...
Even in your refusals to acknowledge her feat for man.

And how actually,
It has been woman that often,
Has truly saved man,
The world,
From its own defeat..


Here I am..
How they still do not see me...
That we are...

They may never be...

So please,
For once..
Put your pathetic sorrows down..
And serve,
By carrying HER...

You may not know it yet,
But this is how the world gets saved!
It is in man's saving final grace
Of what he will finally give,
After centuries of take..
To the WOMAN, he's forsaked...

Back, back..
To her.

In loving her,
The ONLY way...
The right way...
The honorable,
Sacrificial honing of gratitude...
What you give her, she will give you...

And I promise,
The world,
Will return

And all sacrifices will be re-birthed...
Actually supplying
Abundant Profit...
And actualization...

Through you.

So please,
Carry me for once...
And I promise in doing so...
God will be carrying you!

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